While reading Ryan Holiday's Fast Company story about books being the ultimate new business card, as a published author, I couldn't agree more. However, as Holiday points out, today's authors are in the "idea-making business, not the book business." In other words, writing your own book is just...
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[ Source: Fast Company | 2012-09-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
When a slide showing eight book covers popped up in Jeff Bezos’s presentation on Thursday, Jennifer 8. Lee--who was following along on a live blog from New York City--gasped. The books are part of Amazon’s new Kindle Serials format, and she published three of them: Hacker Mom, The Many Lives of...
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[ Source: Fast Company | 2012-09-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
The Android OS may dominate the smartphone market, but figures released by Google tell a different story on the tablet front. Stats from Google Play, Google's one-stop shop for apps, movies, books and music, show that, while normal-sized devices - ie phones - account for 86 per cent of...
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[ Source: Fast Company | 2012-09-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
Throughout its 17-year history, Amazon has helped change the way that books are sold, the format in which they’re read and how they are published. Now it could change how they’re written.
In addition to the Kindle Fire HD and the Kindle Paperwhite, Amazon introduced a subscription book format...
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[ Source: Fast Company | 2012-09-07 00:00:00 UTC ]