Why the Video Network StyleHaul Hired a Veteran Print Executive as Its Revenue Chief

A longtime print magazine sales executive may not be the obvious choice to run ad sales for a digital video network aimed at millennial women. But that's the choice StyleHaul has made with the appointment of former Meredith exec Dick Porter as its cheif revenue officer. He fills a position that's been vacant since Alison Kennedy left in April.StyleHaul CEO Stephanie Horbaczewski said she saw parallels between Mr. Porter's experience at Meredith, the publisher of magazine brands including Better Homes & Gardens and Ladies' Home Journal, and the business StyleHaul is building as it tries to sell brands on executions beyond run-of-the-mill ads. "The really big publishing houses have had to evolve and iterate their practices to become more complex offerings, which is actually a lot similar to us, but at scale," she said.Print magazines have a long history of selling brands on more than just traditional ad pages: They also sell advertorials, forerunners of so-called "native" ads on sites like BuzzFeed and branded videos on YouTube. And those branded videos happen to be where StyleHaul primarily focuses its ad sales efforts. YouTube's sales team sells the pre-roll ads running before StyleHaul's videos, typically taking a 45% cut of the revenue, while StyleHaul sells videos that incorporate a brand and don't require sharing the take with YouTube. Continue reading at AdAge.com Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2015-08-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #print magazines #long history

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