Thousands of supporters join staff at Mike Pence’s publisher in campaign against book deal

Petition signed by more than 200 Simon & Schuster employees delivered to publishing house also calls for end to deals with members of Trump administrationMore than 200 members of staff at Simon & Schuster have signed a petition calling for the publishing house to cancel its seven-figure book deal with former vice-president Mike Pence and commit to not signing any more book deals with members of Donald Trump’s administration.The petition was delivered to the publisher on Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported. It was signed by 216 S&S employees – about 14% of the publisher’s staff –and backed by more than 3,500 supporters outside the company, including authors such as the National Book Award-winning writer Jesmyn Ward.This article was updated on 28 April 2021 to add the NCAC’s reaction. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2021-04-27 13:55:17 UTC ]
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