I’ve been a notebook person for most of my life. I’ve had dozens of notebooks over the years that served as repositories for to-do lists, story ideas, messages jotted down during meetings and everything in between. But at a certain point in my adult life, I turned away from physical notebooks because it became easier to save all of those things digitally in various apps that were always available to me on my phone. I sacrificed tactile satisfaction for digital convenience, and a small part of me mourns for all of the half-filled notebooks I left in my wake.For some like me, an E ink tablet may be the solution to those dueling impulses. They can combine the feeling of writing in a regular notebook with many of the conveniences of digitized documents. E ink tablets allow you to take all of your notes with you on one device, while also letting you scribble with a stylus just like you would with pen-and-paper. Unlike regular tablets and styli, though, E ink tablets are nowhere near ubiquitous — but there are just enough players in the game to make deciding which one to buy more complicated than you might think. We tested out a bunch of the most popular E ink tablets available now to see how well they work, how convenient they really are and which are the best available today.Are E ink tablets worth it?An E ink tablet will be a worthwhile purchase to a very select group of people. If you prefer the look and feel of an E ink display to LCD panels found on traditional tablets,... Continue reading at 'Engadget'
[ Engadget | 2023-04-18 13:00:37 UTC ]
By Joe Wilcox, Betanews Today, AT&T announced that, starting March 6, it will carry Amazon's Kindle reader in its retail stores nationwide. Timing is interesting, given iPad 2's imminent launch and Apple App Store subscription changes that could compel Amazon to curtail or even stop... Continue reading at Betanews
[ Betanews | 2011-02-28 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ The New York Times | 2011-02-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
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