Skip Hogwarts Legacy and watch some Harry Potter-style D&D instead

Hogwarts Legacy comes out next week. It is, bar none, the biggest video game to ever use the ever-popular Harry Potter license. A Dragon Age-style open-world RPG, made by Warner Bros. Games and Avalanche Software (recently of the scuttled Disney Infinity), it’s kind of a huge deal. The game been sitting at the top of the Steam sales charts even as a pre-order. Even so, the game has become controversial. Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has been a lightning rod of controversy for several years, and while it doesn’t appear that she has any direct involvement in the game, it’s hard to deny that buying it means supporting her financially. Plenty of Harry Potter fans aren’t willing to do that, for reasons that are both well-known and beyond the scope of PCWorld’s coverage. But neither Warner Bros. nor Rowling have an exclusive on the idea of teenage wizards and witches. So if you need to scratch that Harry Potter itch and you don’t want to buy the game (or go see increasingly terrible spin-off movies), I’ve got a humble suggestion: watch a bunch of nerds play Dungeons and Dragons instead. Misfits and Magic, a Kids on Brooms actual play Okay, some qualifications. The bunch of nerds in question are professional actors, comedians, and other masters of improvising in front of a camera. And the game they’re playing isn’t Dungeons and Dragons, though the actual play format is certainly inspired by it. No, in the Misfits and Magic mini-season of long-running... Continue reading at 'PC World'

[ PC World | 2023-02-03 15:30:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #harry potter

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