MIT Technology Review Relaunches 'Digital-First'

Some 20 weeks before Newsweek set the media into a frenzy with its announcement of a digital-first publishing strategy, Jason Pontin was already grappling with how to move his 113-year-old publication toward a digital future. Pontin announced in June that MIT's Technology Review magazine would rebrand and eschew its print focus in favor of the Web and mobile platforms—a move that many in legacy media fear will soon become common practice. Starting this afternoon, the publication will officially adopt the MIT name into its title (similar to university publications like Harvard Business Review), and launch a completely retooled website. Pontin hasn't yet ditched the print publication, which has undergone a design overhaul as well, though print's role as a revenue generator will be reduced for the new MIT Technology Review and Pontin notes that publication frequency will be low and circulation will be small. "Print needs to support digital rather than vice-versa now," he told Adweek, noting that Technology Review's site is growing each month (104 percent growth in unique visitors year-over-year) and is approaching 4.5 million monthly readers. Pontin, a self-professed print guy whose work has appeared in everything from The Economist to Wired, has no reservations about decreasing the role of the time-honored print medium. "Our most important stories were always behind a paywall, so really, it's liberating," he said. Pontin believes the reboot will draw a larger audience to... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2012-10-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
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