Last chance to fill in the blanks on funding journalism’s future | Roy Greenslade

Cuts have eroded the quantity and quality of the press. We must have a say on where to go nextHere is the news. Newspaper publishing revenues from both circulation and print advertising, have plunged by more than half over the past decade, down from almost £7bn to just over £3bn. Here’s more news. Over those 10 years, the number of journalists employed by publishers of news brands has fallen by 26%, down from 23,000 to 17,000.And here’s yet more news. In the same period, the average weekly circulation among Britain’s regional and local newspapers decreased by 51%, from 63.4m to 31.4m, partially the result of title closures, most of which were giveaway papers.Owners’ last-man-standing game plan, in the belief winner takes all, sounds the death knell for journalism Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2018-07-01 00:00:00 UTC ]

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