HMP Global’s CEO on Serving Healthcare Professionals in a Pandemic

Largely as a matter of necessity, publishers and events organizers have aggressively increased their output of webinars and other forms of virtual events since March to keep constituents engaged and make up for lost revenue amid an ongoing inability to hold in-person gatherings. For HMP Global, a Pennsylvania-based publisher of more than 30 medical journals and digital brands and organizer of over 300 healthcare industry summits around the world, the need to continue providing a platform for meetings and education amid a worldwide pandemic wasn't just a business imperative, it was a matter of public health. "From the outset of this crisis, we have been committed to ensuring our customers have access to critical medical education, no matter the delivery vehicle," HMP CEO Jeff Hennessy tells Folio:. While the death toll in the U.S. from the COVID-19 pandemic has reportedly topped 107,000 people, Hennessy says it could also indirectly contribute to tens of thousands of additional deaths due to alcohol misuse, suicide or "collateral damage" such as missed cancer diagnoses, untreated wounds, delayed cardiac procedures or canceled clinical trials. "Especially in the midst of this pandemic, the work cannot stop against defeating all devastating health challenges, from COVID to cancer," he adds. After holding out some cautious hope in early March that some gatherings might be able to proceed as planned, HMP ultimately converted all of its in-person events to digital through the... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2020-06-04 18:25:16 UTC ]
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