When Kazuki Takahashi’s manga “Yu-Gi-Oh” debuted in 1996, it spawned a mammoth franchise that includes the iconic Duel Monsters card game, TV shows, video games and character merchandise. The fourth feature, “Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions,” was released in Japan in 2016 to mark its 20th... Continue reading at 'Los Angeles Times'
[ Los Angeles Times | 2017-01-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
Is there anything you can't find at a library? These 10 scenes from horror movies and TV shows prove that libraries save lives. Continue reading at Book Riot
[ Book Riot | 2022-07-25 10:36:00 UTC ]
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Amazon is bringing two mobile games to its subscription-based entertainment platform for children. Known as Amazon Kids+, the $2.99 per month service has served as sort of a one-stop shop for kid-friendly books, TV shows, movies, games and more. The first game, Super Spy Ryan is a multiplayer... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2022-04-14 13:00:13 UTC ]
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The myth of the ‘First TikTok War’Kaitlyn Tiffany, The AtlanticThe Russian invasion of Ukraine is playing out over social media, with varying degrees of facts depending on who is delivering the information. Through the lens of previous conflicts, Tiffany examines if the label of "The First... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2022-03-12 15:15:48 UTC ]
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As he releases the latest fruits of his new megabucks deal with Netflix – an interactive cartoon about a cat – the Black Mirror creator discusses gaming, nuclear war, and why his generation has wrecked the UKCharlie Brooker is sitting at a desk, a big cardboard box in the background, miscellany... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2022-02-21 06:00:24 UTC ]
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The Silent Era of cinema was perhaps its most equitable with both hearing and hearing-impaired viewers able to enjoy productions alongside one another, but with the advent of "talkies," deaf and hard-of-hearing American's found themselves largely excluded from this new dominant entertainment... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2022-01-29 16:30:45 UTC ]
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I’ve recently been enjoying season two of the HBO Max series Love Life. I enjoyed season one because it felt like a combination of an extended rom-com and listening to someone talk about their first dates, two genres I enjoy. Season two is even better, because it stars William Jackson Harper... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2021-11-05 19:27:36 UTC ]
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On Tuesday, Dina Fernandez, a Cuban YouTuber who goes by the name Dina Stars, was doing an interview on Todo Es Mentira, a Spanish TV show, at her home in Havana. She heard a knock on the door. Stars told Marta Flich, the show’s host, that state security officials were outside. As she went to... Continue reading at Columbia Journalism Review
[ Columbia Journalism Review | 2021-07-16 12:30:19 UTC ]
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Viking has bagged Dirty Laundry, a “page-turning tale of the dark side of suburbia” from debut writer Disha Bose, in a six-figure pre-empt. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2021-05-01 22:46:37 UTC ]
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Four years and a day ago, I boarded a bus with what felt like half of my journalism school class and traveled to Washington, DC, for the inauguration of Donald Trump and the Women’s March the day after. I’d arranged to cover the events for Pacifica radio and ended up writing a short dispatch for... Continue reading at Columbia Journalism Review
[ Columbia Journalism Review | 2021-01-20 13:36:57 UTC ]
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AS AN EXPRESSIVE MEDIUM, video games have a strange way of reducing central concepts of modernist art and theory to basic operational elements. The technical specifications of “point of view” that have preoccupied novelists since the turn of the 20th century are crudely literalized within game... Continue reading at Los Angeles Review of Books
[ Los Angeles Review of Books | 2020-10-31 17:00:02 UTC ]
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DC Comics announced that DC Universe, a video on demand streaming service offering DC films, TV shows, comics, and online community, will be transformed into a digital comics subscription service in January 2021. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2020-09-21 04:00:00 UTC ]
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The fear of nuclear annihilation during the Cold War was so palpable that a common joke at the time was: "What do you want to be if you grow up?" In the late 1950s, 60% of American children suffered nightmares about it. Hollywood didn't help. During the 1950s, science fiction crossed to the dark... Continue reading at AdWeek
[ AdWeek | 2020-09-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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‘Young Goodman Brown’ (1835) is one of the most famous stories by the American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Inspired in part by the Salem witch craze of 1692, the story is a powerful exploration of the dark side of human nature. How Hawthorne loads his story with such power is worthy […] The post... Continue reading at Interesting Literature
[ Interesting Literature | 2020-06-24 14:00:49 UTC ]
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The juiciest fashion memoir of the year is out. But is it a tell-all, a tragedy or a harbinger of things to come? Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2020-05-14 15:03:20 UTC ]
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Book Reviews Svetlana Tomić Neva Lukić / Courtesy of Cultural Institution Blesok The recent collection of short stories by Neva Lukić, Endless Endings (Bokeh, 2018), originally written in Croatian and translated into English by Jeremy White, was... Continue reading at World Literature Today
[ World Literature Today | 2020-05-06 13:13:29 UTC ]
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Penguin Random House UK has announced a new partnership between its audio division and Rebellion, a publisher of comic books, fiction and video games, in response to increasing demand for science fiction audio. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2020-03-18 22:09:16 UTC ]
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Indie 404 Ink has landed a part-memoir, part-investigation of how video games can positively impact mental health from journalist Joe Donnelly. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2019-10-31 16:31:20 UTC ]
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The brand strategy behind the best-selling book series expanding to Netflix, toys, and video games. When my son Henry was seven he hated reading. Hated it. Loved the story part, hated the reading part. Now 10 years old, Henry is rarely farther than arm’s length away from a book.Read Full Story Continue reading at Fast Company
[ Fast Company | 2019-10-30 07:00:43 UTC ]
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Facebook opened a news hub today, where it pays publishers to host their headlines and drive visitors to their websites as a way to make amends with the industry that has been battered by the rise of the social network and other platforms. CEO Mark Zuckerberg is due to host media partners at an... Continue reading at Advertising Age
[ Advertising Age | 2019-10-25 10:00:00 UTC ]
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