DOJ accuses Apple, five publishers of colluding to fix ebook prices

In December 2010 I asked: "Is someone fixing ebook prices?" Google's digital bookstore opened for business, and I started comparing prices only to find them fairly consistent across all retailers. I expected to see huge variances, not pricing consistency, which shouldn't be in a competitive market but is systematic of one where businesses conspire to "fix" prices. I wasn't alone wondering about this abnormal consistency. After weeks of rumors, today, the US Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Apple and five publishers. The antitrust enforcement agency accuses them of colluding to fix ebook prices, thus impeding competition and, more importantly,… [Continue Reading] Continue reading at 'Betanews'

[ Betanews | 2012-04-11 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Apple faces ebook restrictions

A US judge imposes restrictions on the agreements technology giant Apple, after a court ruled it conspired with five publishers to control ebook prices. Continue reading at BBC News

[ BBC News | 2013-09-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Judge requires antitrust monitor as part of Apple ebook ruling

Apple must pay for an independent antitrust monitor as part of a permanent injunction handed down on Friday by a federal court in New York.     Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-09-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple ebooks judge to limit antitrust remedies

The federal judge who last month found Apple Inc. liable for fixing ebook prices said she plans to limit the remedies sought by the U.S. to ensure they "rest as lightly as possible" on the way the company does business.U.S. District Judge Denise Cote in Manhattan Tuesday said she intends to... Continue reading at Crains New York

[ Crains New York | 2013-08-28 00:00:00 UTC ]
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In Apple ebooks case, judge inclined to appoint antitrust monitor

Apple may escape some of the penalties sought by the government in the ebook price-fixing case.     Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-08-28 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple Says DOJ's E-Book Remedies Are Biased in Amazon's Favor

"Plaintiffs are seeking a remedy that would give Amazon significant competitive advantage over Apple -- an advantage it is neither entitled to nor deserves." Continue reading at AllThingsD

[ AllThingsD | 2013-08-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Justice Department scolds Apple while seeking lighter ebook penalties

Even as federal antitrust lawyers proposed a slight reduction in their proposed penalties in the Apple ebook case, they stepped up their criticism of the company for continuing to insist it did nothing wrong.     Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-08-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Judge denies Apple's request to suspend ebook antitrust ruling

Apple, in its ongoing battle over an ebook price fixing scandal, has been dealt yet another setback. Last month, Judge Denise Cote ruled that Apple had violated antitrust laws in conspiring with publishers to raise ebook prices. Cupertino asked for a temporary suspension of her ruling while it... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-08-10 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Judge scolds Apple for lack of remorse in ebook antitrust case

A federal judge took Apple to task on Friday for showing no contrition about potentially defrauding its customers of hundreds of millions of dollars. "None of the publishers nor Apple have expressed any remorse" about colluding to fix electronic book prices in 2010, said District Judge Denise... Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2013-08-10 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Publishers Object to E-Book Plan for Apple

Five major U.S. publishers objected to the Justice Department's proposal to limit Apple's influence in the electronic books market, saying it would effectively alter their existing settlements with the U.S. government. Continue reading at AllThingsD

[ AllThingsD | 2013-08-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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As Ebooks Strain Libraries, Can Self-Publishers Make Inroads?

The cost of ebooks has strained relations between libraries and publishers, forcing both to look for solutions. One answer is coming from distributors of self-published ebooks. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2013-08-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Publishers object to U.S. punishment for Apple

Publishers who have settled an electronic book pricing dispute with the federal government say they object to penalties the government wants to impose on Apple Inc.A judge ruled in an antitrust case last month that Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple had joined a conspiracy to drive up the price of... Continue reading at Crains New York

[ Crains New York | 2013-08-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Surveying Publisher Approaches to Ebook Production

ZOO Digital surveys digital publishing executives about their ebook workflows and the comparative advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and internal production. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2013-08-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
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DoJ calls for more penalties for Apple

The US Department of Justice has called for further and extended penalties for Apple in the wake... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2013-08-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple faces ebook clamp down

US regulators have called for Apple to be forced to cancel certain ebook contracts with major publishers. Continue reading at BBC World

[ BBC World | 2013-08-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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DOJ Calls for Apple to End Book Deals, Link to Rival Bookstores

The Department of Justice and 33 state attorneys general on Friday called for an array of sanctions that they claim will "reset competition to the conditions that existed before the conspiracy." Continue reading at AllThingsD

[ AllThingsD | 2013-08-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Feds, states want Apple to revamp ebook practices

The Justice Department and 33 state attorneys general want to force Apple to sign contracts with publishers that don't prevent Apple or other ebook stores from competing on price.     Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-08-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Feds proposed Apple ebook remedies include antitrust monitor

One month after a New York federal  judge ruled that Apple Inc. had conspired to fix electronic book prices, the Department of Justice has proposed a series of restrictions on Apple's digital book sales.      Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-08-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Could Limited-Time Fixed Book Pricing Boost Backlist Sales?

Could limiting the period for fixed book prices give a needed boost to backlist sales by allowing retailers to discount after the initial buying frenzy is over? Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2013-07-31 00:00:00 UTC ]
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EU regulator accepts Penguin offer to end dodgy ebook deals with Apple

After the European Commission accepted offers from Apple and four publishers to free up ebook pricing restrictions in December 2012, it's now accepted Penguin's commitment to do the same. Much like Penguin's vow to the US DOJ, it will end its agency agreements with Apple and other retailers, and... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-07-25 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Tech Takeaway: Apple ebooks ruling, T-Mobile introduces 'Jump'

It was a full day of tech news Wednesday, with a federal judge ruling that Apple conspired to raise the price of ebooks and T-Mobile introducing a new plan that makes it possible for customers to change their smartphones more often.     Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-07-11 00:00:00 UTC ]
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