Crowdsourced editing: e-publishings next frontier

How the innovative startup Advance Editions is turning book editing into a conversationPublishing is an increasingly crowded field. This summer Paul Kingsnorths The Wake became the first crowdfunded book to make it, via Unbound, on to the Booker longlist. Some publishers are crowdsourcing their slush piles: Swoon Reads, a YA imprint, lets readers vote on which manuscripts should get book deals.Now, a publishing startup has entered a new frontier: crowdsourced editing. Advance Editions aims to make good books better by drawing on the wisdom, knowledge and proofreading skills of readers around the world. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2014-09-28 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #crowdfunded book #booker longlist #swoon reads #ya imprint #book deals #publishing startup

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