Condemning all debate with Bannon amounts to giving up on politics | Kenan Malik

Challenging in public those whose views we find odious can help change others’ mindsTwo memes have become central to much contemporary political debate. The first is that we need to break out of our echo chambers. The second is that we should not provide space for hatemongers. Increasingly, the two have come to collide.One such collision came in the controversy over Steve Bannon’s (non) appearance at the New Yorker festival. Bannon, a key figure on the “alt-right”, was invited to the festival to be interrogated by the magazine’s editor, David Remnick, only to be disinvited when a number of speakers threatened to pull out in protest. To host Bannon at a literary festival, critics argued, was to afford a white supremacist a platform and to provide him with legitimacy. Related: Steve Bannon dropped from New Yorker festival after invite sparks anger Related: The New Yorker has dropped Steve Bannon from its festival – and played right into his hands | Arwa Mahdawi Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2018-09-09 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #steve bannon #key figure #david remnick

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