Chasing History review: Carl Bernstein’s pre-Watergate world

Before he helped bring down Richard Nixon, the reporter grew up in a school of hard knocks. His memoir is a treasureFew reporters are synonymous with their craft. Bob Woodward of the Washington Post is one, his former partner, Carl Bernstein, another. Together, they broke open the Watergate scandal, helped send a president’s minions to prison and made Richard Nixon the only man to resign the office. On the big screen, Robert Redford played Woodward. Bernstein got Dustin Hoffman.These days, Bernstein is a CNN analyst and a contributing editor at Vanity Fair. Chasing History, his sixth book, is a warm and inviting read. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2022-01-16 07:00:43 UTC ]

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[ AllThingsD | 2011-07-30 00:00:00 UTC ]
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