The Accumulate Art School for the Homeless, a London-based charity that provides creative education and workshops for young homeless people, has partnered with unhoused artists to create a new graphic novel called The Book of Homelessness. The project began with a series of writing and illustration workshops hosted by Accumulate. After a round of crowdfunding, […] The post Browse excerpts from The Book of Homelessness, a new graphic novel by unhoused creatives. first appeared on Literary Hub. Continue reading at 'Literrary Hub'
[ Literrary Hub | 2020-11-18 17:27:23 UTC ]
Aminder Dhaliwal's second book, 'Cyclopedia Exotica,' which began on Instagram, depicts one-eyed people who are fetishized, harassed and undervalued. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2021-05-10 13:00:04 UTC ]
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In “Cyclopedia Exotica,” the artist and writer Aminder Dhaliwal created a fictitious community facing xenophobia, fetishization and media misrepresentation. It’s resonating with her thousands of Instagram followers. Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2021-05-05 09:00:23 UTC ]
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Unit sales of print books rose 24% last week over the comparable week in 2020. Sales of travel books continued to rebound after a disastrous 2020, and graphic novel sales soared again. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-04-29 04:00:00 UTC ]
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In the graphic novel “Allergic,” a young girl is relentless in her quest for a furry friend. Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2021-04-24 18:27:08 UTC ]
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Literary Hub is pleased to reveal the US cover for Wole Soyinka’s new novel, Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth, which will be published on September 28 by Pantheon Books. This will be Soyinka’s first novel to be published in 48 years, and also the first since he won the... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2021-04-23 13:30:34 UTC ]
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To mark the publication of Friend of the Devil, the latest graphic novel in their Reckless series, PW/ sat down to chat with Brubaker and Phillips about the new book, their long-time partnership, and a whole lot more. (Sponsored) Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-04-22 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Popular 'New Yorker' cartoonist Will McPhail branches out with his first long form graphic novel 'In', to be published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in May. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-04-21 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Many of the biggest hits on such streaming services as Netflix and Disney+ have been adapted from comics and graphic novels. Publishers have learned to scramble to be sure the books these shows are based on are available when demand spikes. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-04-21 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Culture Street mural for Grenfell Tower, with poem by Ben Okri, North Kensington, London, image courtesy of IranWire and #PaintTheChange. London-based writer Malu Halasa canvasses the Middle Eastern and North African culture scene in London,... Continue reading at World Literature Today
[ World Literature Today | 2021-04-19 19:22:28 UTC ]
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'MPLS Sound' is a new graphic novel by Joe Illidge, Hannibal Tabu, and Meredith Laxton that explores the music scene in 1970s Minneapolis and the impact of Prince through the experiences of Starchild, a fictional band organized by Theresa, a young guitarist. In this 8-page preview, a surprised... Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-04-12 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Cartoonist Matt Kindt, author of the 2013 graphic novel series MIND MGMT, has created a sequel or spin-off story based on the original work in the form of an NFT which is being sold at auction. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-03-23 04:00:00 UTC ]
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You may have noticed that here at Literary Hub, we’re pretty big fans of Octavia Butler—and especially of Kindred, arguably her most famous novel. So we were very excited by the recent news that that 42-year-old book is finally getting an adaptation: FX has recently ordered a pilot, which was... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2021-03-19 14:00:40 UTC ]
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A preview of nonfiction comics hitting the shelves in the next couple of months, including The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History by David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson. Continue reading at Book Riot
[ Book Riot | 2021-02-19 11:32:00 UTC ]
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Here's an exclusive first look at "Eighty Days," A.C. Esguerra's debut graphic novel about flight, freedom and love, from Boom! Studios imprint Archaia. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2021-02-12 20:00:08 UTC ]
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Nick and Charlie, the lead characters in graphic novel series Heartstopper, first appeared in Alice Oseman’s début Young Adult novel Solitaire. The pair were fairly minor characters, but almost as soon as she finished writing the book, she knew she wanted to expand on their story. “They have... Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2021-02-05 10:51:49 UTC ]
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Netflix has greenlit a YA drama series produced by See-Saw Films based on Alice Oseman’s Young Adult graphic novel series Heartstopper, published by Hodder Children’s Books. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2021-01-20 20:54:50 UTC ]
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David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson’s graphic novel The Black Panther Party may be the first introduction to the revolutionary party for some. For others, it will provide additional context to the history. The graphic novel spans from the founding of the party by Huey P. Newton and Bobby... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-19 12:00:00 UTC ]
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F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel about America and aspiration is now in the public domain, so new editions, as well as a graphic novel and a zombie adaptation, have gotten the green light. Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2021-01-14 18:59:18 UTC ]
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Katie the Catsitter wrangles 217 “genius-level smart,” slightly “evil” felines in Colleen AF Venable and Stephanie Yue’s new graphic novel series. Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2021-01-03 15:27:37 UTC ]
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If you’ve used the internet to read book or film reviews in the last decade, you’ve probably heard of the Bechdel test. Cartoonist Alison Bechdel introduced the test in her comic strip Dykes To Watch Out For in 1985 as a means of assessing the ways women are portrayed in fiction. The test... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2020-12-21 09:50:22 UTC ]
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