Surrender, which will ‘draw in detail’ what he had previously only sketched in songs, will contain 40 chapters, each named after a U2 song, and include 40 original drawings by the singerThe first memoir by Bono will be released this year, publisher Penguin Random House has announced.While the U2 frontman’s career has been written about extensively, this will mark the first time Bono has written about it himself. Titled Surrender, the autobiography will span the singer’s early days growing up in Dublin, including the sudden loss of his mother when he was 14, the success of U2 and his activist work fighting against Aids and poverty.Surrender is due to be published on 1 November. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'
[ The Guardian | 2022-05-10 15:24:58 UTC ]
The grime artist teams up with publisher Penguin and asks young authors for their stories. Continue reading at BBC News
[ BBC News | 2018-07-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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