Anti-vaxx propaganda is flooding the internet. Will tech companies act? | Lucky Tran, Rachel Alter and Tonay Flattum-Riemers

As vaccine advocates we can change our tone but companies such as Amazon, YouTube and Facebook must stop profiting off human vulnerabilityWhen it comes to providing accurate medical information, social media is a hot mess. Reporting by the Guardian and elsewhere over the last few months has revealed many troubling examples: the top searches for vaccines on Amazon turn up anti-vaxx books instead; YouTube purposely keeps viewers on its website by suggesting increasingly conspiratorial content; Facebook is a safe haven for propagandists and helps anti-vaxx profiteers make money.The result? We are experiencing rising outbreaks of eliminated diseases like measles, and the World Health Organization has named vaccine hesitancy one of the top threats to global health in 2019.Well, here’s some advice you might not want to hear: we have to do a lot better a job at talking to fence sittersLucky Tran is a science communicator at Columbia University, holds a PhD in biology from the University of Cambridge, and is a board member of the March for Science. Rachel Alter and Tonay Flattum-Riemers are recent graduates from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University. Both are science communicators who focus on vaccine education and manage the vaccine-related content of the March for Science social media pages. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2019-03-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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