Amazon appears to be testing an unlimited Kindle ebook subscription appears to be testing a new subscription model that would give members all-you-can-read access to more than 600,000 ebooks for $9.99 a month.  Continue reading at 'Los Angeles Times'

[ Los Angeles Times | 2014-07-16 00:00:00 UTC ]

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[ The Bookseller | 2019-11-18 08:25:36 UTC ]
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[ Digiday | 2019-07-31 04:01:04 UTC ]
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[ The Bookseller | 2018-10-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Los Angeles Times | 2016-10-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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BIBF: Dohle warns on impact of subscription model

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[ The Bookseller | 2016-08-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Scribd Revises Its Subscription Model

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[ Publishers Weekly | 2016-02-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Is Subscription the Future for Digital Comics?

The subscription model is changing how consumers get music, movies and TV shows, and now a number of services are trying the model on digital comics. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2015-11-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Pellerin questions lawfulness of subscription model

French culture minister Fleur Pellerin has asked the book mediator for a opinion on whether Kindle Unlimited and other subscriptions for unlimited access to ebooks infringes the law in France. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2014-12-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon misrepresents Orwell and takes on Disney, as the pricing war intensifies (+video)

In a statement about its dispute with publisher Hachette, Amazon cited '1984' author George Orwell – while failing to understand the author's words, critics charged. Meanwhile, Amazon appears to be entering into a dispute with Disney. Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor

[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2014-08-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon misrepresents Orwell and takes on Disney, as the pricing war intensifies

In a statement about its dispute with publisher Hachette, Amazon cited '1984' author George Orwell – while failing to understand the author's words, critics charged. Meanwhile, Amazon appears to be entering into a dispute with Disney. Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor

[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2014-08-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon 'testing ebook/audio subscription service'

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[ The Bookseller | 2014-07-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon appears to be testing an unlimited Kindle ebook subscription appears to be testing a new subscription model that would give members all-you-can-read access to more than 600,000 ebooks for $9.99 a month.  Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2014-07-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
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A Bustling BEA 2014

The dispute over terms between the Hachette Book Group and Amazon, the viability of the subscription model, and the arrival of BookCon were three of the most discussed topics during BookExpo America which had its 2014 run from May 29 to 31 at New York City’s Javits Center. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2014-05-30 00:00:00 UTC ]
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BEA 2014: Subscription Model Takes Center Stage at Making Information Pay

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[ Publishers Weekly | 2014-05-30 00:00:00 UTC ]
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