#social shares

Publishing news tagged with #social shares

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Upworthy Claims It Can Deliver Its Positive Spin for Brands

At some point, you've probably come across a post from Upworthy, the publisher known for its emotional stories that make readers feel pumped up about the world. While this tactic has been shown to work for editorial articles—and has drawn guest curators like George Takei and Michelle Obama—the... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2014-10-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Indy Star's Bizarre Tale of Real-Life Exorcism Wins Huge Mobile Traffic, but Cashing In Is Harder

Gannett's Indianapolis Star is happily learning what movie studios have long known: Ghost stories are a huge draw."The exorcisms of Latoya Ammons," a 5,300-word feature by investigative reporter Marisa Kwiatkowski, has become one of the most widely read pieces in the paper's history since it was... Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2014-02-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
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