For the past few years, Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold line has been the undisputed champion of big flexible phones. But it holds that title almost by default thanks to a lack of real contenders — especially outside of China. But with the Pixel Fold, Google has created a legitimate challenger with an... Continue reading >> [ Source: Engadget | 2023-06-26 17:00:03 UTC ]
The 2020 elections are expected to see an unprecedented amount of advertising spending. Projections from Group M estimate a record-setting total of $10 billion, so the stakes for buyers and sellers have never been higher. As marketers map out their advertising plans leading up to the election,... Continue reading >> [ Source: Advertising Age | 2019-10-02 13:42:00 UTC ]
You’d like to leave Facebook, but there’s nowhere to go. A new social network from a company with a proven reputation for privacy isn’t such a crazy idea. Facebook is so big, and its reach so wide, that few rival networks even get out of the starting gates, much less gain the critical mass of... Continue reading >> [ Source: Fast Company | 2019-05-21 09:00:08 UTC ]
Virtual reality enthusiasts often say gaming will be the first big use for those odd-looking headsets that project you into imaginary worlds. They got a boost this week when Sony said it will start selling virtual reality goggles that pair with its PlayStation console for $399 -- less than rival... Continue reading >> [ Source: Advertising Age | 2016-03-19 00:00:00 UTC ]