#Book Stores

Publishing news filed under #Book Stores

What it was like asking for Salman Rushdie’s work in a Pakistan bookshop | Anonymous

As an aspiring writer I loved many exiled authors, from Márquez to Kundera, but with Rushdie the stakes were raisedIt was more than a decade ago when I was introduced to the work of Salman Rushdie, thanks to the recommendation of a writer in my homeland of Pakistan. As an aspiring writer myself,... Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Guardian | 2022-08-14 14:47:31 UTC ]

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New Rooms for Debate at Joint Bookstore Conference

The just-concluded New Voices New Rooms joint virtual gathering of the New Atlantic and Southern Independent Booksellers Associations delved into such issues as book banning, de-escalating confrontations, and ways to generate additional revenue. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-08-11 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Tarek Abi Samra on Stealing Kant From a Bookstore

Kant’s Thief I entered the bookshop already terrified and sweaty-palmed, determined to steal Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. I would have liked for the whole thing to be over in the blink of an eye. To be able to run as fast as I could to the section where I’d seen the book before, snatch […] Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-08-08 08:50:35 UTC ]

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A historic lesbian-owned queer bookstore is fighting to stay open.

I was 13 years old in a suburban mall Barnes & Noble, holding a copy of Please Don’t Kill the Freshman by Zoe Trope. The cover—featuring the silhouette of a young cheerleader whose stance seems sarcastic, her pom-poms flopping against gashes of blue and red—was young, angry, and awesome. I... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-07-19 14:56:41 UTC ]

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8 Mystery/Thriller Novels to Make You Ask When Libraries and Bookstores Got So Sus

We know and love the magic and power of the library and the bookstore. But...what happens when things go sideways in them? Continue reading >>
[ Source: Book Riot | 2022-07-15 10:38:00 UTC ]

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Bookstore Spotlight: Baldwin & Co.

The New Orleans bookstore is a shop with a mission—to eliminate mass incarceration through the promotion of literacy. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-07-15 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Bookstore Sales Rose 12.3% in May

Bookstore sales increased 12.3% in May over a year ago, rising to $665 million, according to preliminary estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau. The gain was relatively modest compared to earlier jumps in previous months. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-07-15 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Franklin Fixtures Owners Open Bookstore in Tennessee

The owners of Franklin Fixtures, which supplies retail displays to bookstores, are opening a new independent bookstore and café named Plenty on Spring in Cookeville. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-07-01 04:00:00 UTC ]

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S&S Launches Banned Books Promotion for Bookstores

In response to growing book censorship, Simon & Schuster has launched a “Read banned books!” promotion that provides information on challenged titles, in-store displays, and social media materials. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-06-30 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Check out a cool new guide to indie bookstores on the West coast.

Alta Journal just released a map for the Western bookstore road trip of my dreams: it’s a guide to indie bookstores on the West coast (with a few options from the desert and other non-coastal spots thrown in, because why not). A lot of the picks, as to be expected, are clustered around cities... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-06-29 16:46:35 UTC ]

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Bookstores Respond to Demise of Roe v. Wade

Indies across the country responded to Friday's overturning of Roe v. Wade by setting up special book displays and raising funds for pro-choice organizations. One store raised $40,000 by Sunday evening. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-06-27 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Indie bookstore boom turns page to a more diverse America

The year 2021 saw a substantial increase in the number of independent bookstores in the United States. And a growing proportion of these stores is owned by individuals from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Christian Science Monitor | 2022-06-17 15:44:11 UTC ]

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Bookstore Sales Rose 31% in April

Bookstore sales posted a solid increase in April over 2021, rising 31.6%, to $633 million, from $481 million a year ago. For the first four months of 2022, bookstore sales increased 19.4% over the comparable period in 2021, rising to $2.62 billion, from $2.19 billion in 2021. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-06-16 04:00:00 UTC ]

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One of the country’s oldest Black-owned bookstores is closing.

Los Angeles’ Eso Won Books has announced that they will be shutting their doors at the end of the year. Since the 1980s, this independent bookstore has dedicated itself to celebrating the voices of Black writers. They are known for their large selection of books on every subject relating to... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-06-14 15:53:11 UTC ]

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A new community-oriented bookstore has opened on the Lower East Side.

On Friday night, P&T Knitwear opened its doors on the Lower East Side to celebrate its grand opening. Any new indie bookstore/cafe is cause for applause, but this one in particular has a few fun bells and whistles worth mentioning! When you first walk in, what’s probably most noticeable is... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-06-06 15:01:31 UTC ]

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Amazon to close Kindle bookstore in China, halt device sale

Amazon said Thursday it will shut down its digital Kindle bookstores in China and stop selling the device to retailers in the country Continue reading >>
[ Source: ABC News | 2022-06-02 17:45:04 UTC ]

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Reimagining Bookstores Imagines Reaching Across the Aisle

Out of the concern that Americans’ political factions stifle conversation, Reimagining Bookstores led an interactive session, “Moving from Debate to Dialog in Divided Times,” on May 26. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-05-31 04:00:00 UTC ]

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1984 is Banned in Belarus, Bookstore Owner Detained for Carrying It

The Eastern European country Belarus has banned the sale of 1984, and two booksellers and publishers have been detained for carrying it. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Book Riot | 2022-05-30 17:22:36 UTC ]

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Party to Celebrate Bookstore Cat’s Retirement

After a decade of enjoying his presence, an Ohio bookstore is hosting a party to celebrate Otis the Cat's retirement. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Book Riot | 2022-05-25 15:44:02 UTC ]

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U.S. Book Show: Raven Named Bookstore of the Year, Lowe Named Sales Rep of the Year

The Raven Bookstore in Lawrence, Kans., was named 'PW' Bookstore of the Year in a virtual awards ceremony held during the U.S. Book Show. Commission rep Kurtis Lowe of Book Travelers West is 'PW' Sales Rep of the Year. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-05-24 04:00:00 UTC ]

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