The Bologna bookstore, Giannino Stoppani, was damaged by fire in May. Sharjah World Book Capital has contributed €50,000 to assist. The post Sharjah World Book Capital Supports a Fire-Damaged Italian Bookstore appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishing Perspectives | 2022-11-08 12:43:42 UTC ]
There was more than one moment in the depths of the pandemic that the decision to open a small town bookstore seemed like the absolute worst idea in the world—a monument to arrogance and self-indulgence. At first we couldn’t open. Then we didn’t feel right opening. Then a freak storm (and... Continue reading >> [ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-11-07 09:54:32 UTC ]
Drusilla Jones, who owned an antique children’s book shop in Baltimore, died of end stage Alzheimer’s disease and diabetic complications Oct. 20 at Charter Senior Living. The Lutherville resident was 82. Continue reading >> [ Source: Baltimore Sun | 2022-11-04 09:00:00 UTC ]
Literature Lovers Night Out, a speakers program launched in the Twin Cities in 2015, will return after a three-year interval to the Minneapolis suburbs by partnering on events with Cream & Amber in Hopkins, Minn. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-11-04 04:00:00 UTC ]
Join a book lover on a trek through several bookstores across the city of Edinburgh. Continue reading >> [ Source: Book Riot | 2022-10-28 10:38:00 UTC ]
Celeste Ng, the author of three novels beloved by indie booksellers, was named the American Booksellers Association's inaugural bookstore ambassador, deputized to champion indies throughout the year. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-10-19 04:00:00 UTC ]
The Hudson Valley-based Golden Notebook Bookstore will launch its publishing press next year with author Abigail Thomas's memoir 'Still Life at 80: The Next Interesting Thing.' Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-10-18 04:00:00 UTC ]
Following two months of declines, bookstore sales rose 5.4% in August over August 2021, hitting $1.14 billion. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-10-14 04:00:00 UTC ]
New marketing approaches and sustainable publishing were two of the main topics on the final day of the PNBA fall meeting. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-09-22 04:00:00 UTC ]
Books are written in solitude, but writers do some of their finest work with crowds—in public talks, interviews, and events. The best moments from those strange, dramatic interactions often go missing, however: either they’re never recorded, or nobody will ever find the recordings. Fortunately,... Continue reading >> [ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-09-14 09:05:43 UTC ]
Strand Bookstore is taking the idea of the “status tote” to a whole new level and is now selling a special Bottega Veneta limited edition black tote back for $1,500. I hate it. Yes, we here at Lit Hub are definitely part of the Literary Tote Industrial Complex, which traffics in superficial... Continue reading >> [ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-09-13 13:56:21 UTC ]
There are very few things in the world that we at Electric Lit love more than bookstores, but one of those things is pets. We are absolutely obsessed with our furry friends. It only stands to reason that to our minds, there is no greater place in the world than a bookstore with a pet. […] The... Continue reading >> [ Source: Electric Literature | 2022-09-05 11:00:00 UTC ]
When the “Crime Junkie” co-host’s debut novel came out, it didn’t seem real until she signed copies to the sound of boarding announcements. Continue reading >> [ Source: The New York Times | 2022-09-01 19:00:31 UTC ]
With design elements inspired by nearby Tiantai Mountain and the Haishan Islands, a new bookstore in Taizhou City (on China’s central coast) is putting all our cute little corner bookshops to shame. This article was posted in English but is essentially a long string of AI-translated... Continue reading >> [ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-08-29 14:32:57 UTC ]
We talk with Jill and Adlai Yeomans, owners of White Whale Bookstore in Pittsburgh, Pa., which focuses on literary fiction. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-08-26 04:00:00 UTC ]
I think every aspiring writer should work in a used bookstore. For a little while, at least. If nothing else, the ego death is electric. * I am lucky. A fellowship after my MFA has left me with all kinds of time to write and live out this romantic dream job. Ensconced in an Ann […] Continue reading >> [ Source: Literrary Hub | 2022-08-24 08:53:03 UTC ]
Almost 400 bookstores plan to participate in Bookstore Romance Day, a combination of virtual programming and national in-store events on August 20. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-08-19 04:00:00 UTC ]
Over the past two years, pandemic stress and uncertainty have led to a wave of organizing efforts at bookstores around the country. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-08-19 04:00:00 UTC ]
After months of steady increases compared to the pandemic-induced slump in 2021, bookstore sales declined 8.2% in June, falling to $605 million from $659 million a year ago. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-08-17 04:00:00 UTC ]
After limiting his trips to independent bookstores during the pandemic, Europa Editions's editor-in-chief Michael Reynolds recently concluded a whirlwind tour of stores in the Lone Star State. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2022-08-17 04:00:00 UTC ]