Yesterday, Facebook unveiled a major update to its Messenger app, that allows developers to create chatbots for brands through its chatbot API. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's announcement has major implications for messaging platforms like Kik and Skype. Now, with 900 million people around the world using Facebook Messenger, will the social network with a reach broader than any other be able to bring bots into the mainstream? For starters, Facebook's bot battalion launched with 30 brands and publishers, including the likes of CNN, Burger King, Bank of America, StubHub, HP, eBay and Expedia. According to R/GA chief technology officer Nick Coronges, Facebook's advantage is its ability to integrate its mission for Messenger with Mark Zuckerberg's larger vision for his social network empire. "The big story obviously here is that unlike Kik or Telegram, where they focus on the bot story, Facebook brings this incredible reach," Coronges said. "Now the question is how mainstream will this become?" Facebook isn't the first player in the space. There are already plenty of startups that have been making bots for customer service, e-commerce, news or entertainment. Just days before Kik announced its own bot shop—launching with more than a dozen brands including H&M, Vine and Sephora—the Canadian messaging app's head of messenger services said the ballooning of the bot sector helps to show the value to both users and brands. "Everyone is watching the space right now, and... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'
[ AdWeek | 2016-04-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
Yesterday, Facebook unveiled a major update to its Messenger app, that allows developers to create chatbots for brands through its chatbot API. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's announcement has major implications for messaging platforms like Kik and Skype. Now, with 900 million people around the... Continue reading at AdWeek
[ AdWeek | 2016-04-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
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