When 'hipster fascists' start appearing in the media, something has gone very wrong | Arwa Mahdawi

The Sunday Times profiled members of Generation Identity and made them look like members of a boyband. This dangerous trend of humanising extremists must stopFascism is all the rage these days. Hate is haute, white nationalism is the new black and neo-nazism never looked so good. So the Sunday Times – which recently published a piece about the white nationalist movement Generation Identity (GI) – would have you believe, anyway.You may have heard about GI before. They’re the extremists who physically tried to stop refugee rescue boats from coming to Europe last year. The correct word to describe those who actively seek to oppress suffering people is “monsters”. Actually, “incompetent monsters” may be more appropriate – GI’s vessel got into difficulty off the coast of Libya during one of its anti-migrant missions and an NGO’s rescue ship ended up helping out. Sometimes karma is a boat. The Sunday Times had another way of describing GI, though. Its headline called its members “hipster fascists”. As if that wasn’t vomit-inducing enough, the title of the print version was: “Heil hipsters.” Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2018-05-22 00:00:00 UTC ]
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