Vaizey sets up Sieghart's library task force

Libraries minister Ed Vaizey has created a new task force to help develop the library service in England, at the recommendation of today's Sieghart report. Continue reading at 'The Bookseller'

[ The Bookseller | 2014-12-19 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #sieghart report #task force #library service

Other Publishing stories related to: 'Vaizey sets up Sieghart's library task force'

Vaizey sets up Sieghart's library task force

Libraries minister Ed Vaizey has created a new task force to help develop the library service in England, at the recommendation of today's Sieghart report. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2014-12-19 00:00:00 UTC ]
More news stories like this | News stories tagged with: #sieghart report #task force #library service

Sieghart Review to recommend task force for libraries

The eagerly-awaited Sieghart Review on the public library service will argue for a dedicated task force involving "all key players working together" to deliver changes at "a fast pace", a panel member has revealed. Public policy consultant Sue Charteris, talking at the Speak Up for Libraries... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2014-11-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Settle appointed c.e.o. of libraries task force

Kathy Settle has been announced as chief executive of the Leadership for Libraries task force. Settle is currently director for digital policy and departmental engagement in the Government Digital Service (GDS), part of the Cabinet Office. She will begin the new role in April, while continuing... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2015-03-31 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Sieghart reveals task force digital ambitions

The Leadership for Libraries task force is backed by £250,000 funding from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, will look for more funding from trusts and foundations, and hopes to appoint a "brilliant" chief executive in addition to chair Paul Blantern, William Sieghart has revealed. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2015-03-21 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Library task force starts work

A new task force for libraries, which met for the first time last week, will focus its attention on sharing best practice between councils, promoting the role of digital and shaping a workforce for the future. One of the key aims of the Leadership for Libraries task force will be to highlight... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2015-03-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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UK: Jude Gates Leads the Publishers Association’s Sustainability Task Force

The Publishers Association in London is in advanced stages of development with its 'Publishing Declares' sustainability pledge program. The post UK: Jude Gates Leads the Publishers Association’s Sustainability Task Force appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2024-05-24 22:09:15 UTC ]
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Libraries across the country are being forced to close because of bomb threats.

In a predictable—but nevertheless horrifying—extension of the ongoing wave of book bans across the country (not to mention the bomb threats to a children’s hospital for providing gender-affirming healthcare), Motherboard has reported that at least a dozen public libraries across the country have... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2022-09-30 16:07:29 UTC ]
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Challenge on Maryland library e-books law set for February

A law forcing publishers in the US and abroad to license e-books to the state's public libraries in the US state of Maryland is expected to come into effect as planned on 1st January 2022 after a court challenge was set for February. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-12-22 09:32:19 UTC ]
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PA backs filing against Maryland law forcing publishers to license library e-books

The Publishers Association and the Federation of European Publishers have voiced their support for the Association of American Publishers’ challenge of an “unprecedented, unjustified” Maryland law which could force publishers both in the US and abroad to license e-books to the state's public... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-12-20 16:08:03 UTC ]
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TV trade group forms measurement task force amid Nielsen issues

VAB announces new group dedicated to forwarding video measurement, with NBCUniversal signing on as a partner.  Continue reading at Advertising Age

[ Advertising Age | 2021-09-09 17:20:46 UTC ]
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Writers Orgs Form #DisneyMustPay Joint Task Force

Led by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, several professional writers' organizations and authors have formed the #DisneyMustPay task force, petitioning Walt Disney Co. to honor author contracts. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-04-29 04:00:00 UTC ]
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DisneyMustPay: authors form task force to fight for missing payments

Coalition of author groups call for Disney to pay outstanding royalties owed to writers of novels and comics including Star Wars, Alien and Buffy the Vampire Slayer series it now ownsA task force made up of science fiction and fantasy, romance, crime and horror authors has been formed in an... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2021-04-28 17:07:11 UTC ]
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PRH Organizes Global Task Forces in Response to Virus Threat

In a letter to Penguin Random House employees worldwide, PRH CEO Markus Dohle outlined how PRH plans to address the challenges the company faces coping with the global spread of the new coronavirus. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2020-03-16 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Jeremy Corbyn vows to protect libraries from forces of doom.

In a press conference in London earlier today, embattled-but-unbowed leader of the British Labour Party, lifelong democratic socialist, and absolute boy Jeremy Corbyn revealed a dossier proving that the US is demanding that Britain’s National Health Service (a remarkable civic institution born... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2019-11-27 16:43:19 UTC ]
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Librarians Set to Descend on Capitol Hill for National Library Legislative Day

The Week in Libraries, May 4, 2018: Among this week's headlines, librarians prepare to make their case to lawmakers in Washington D.C. as a rescission package looms; Congress could wade into the net neutrality battle. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2018-05-04 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Fourteen Lancashire libraries set to reopen

Fourteen libraries in Lancashire could reopen after being closed last year following a change in council leadership. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2017-07-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Harry Potter exhibition set for British Library

An exhibition to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first Harry Potter book is to open next year at the British Library. Continue reading at BBC News

[ BBC News | 2016-08-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Vaizey and Poole in Twitter spat over libraries record

Former culture minister Ed Vaizey and CILIP c.e.o. Nick Poole have engaged in a Twitter row about the former’s perceived lack of leadership over library policy and "very soft" actions while in the role of libraries minister. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2016-07-21 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Carnegie Library occupiers vow to remain 'until forced out'

Determined library campaigners have vowed to occupy Herne Hill’s Carnegie Library “until they are forced out”. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2016-04-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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