Tom Margerison obituary

Founder of New Scientist, Sunday Times journalist and BBC broadcaster who made complicated subjects easy to understandA powerful mind coupled with a gift for rendering complex ideas in popular terms made Tom Margerison, who has died aged 90, an outstanding ambassador for science. Equally at home in print or on radio and television, he was in at the beginning of New Scientist, a notable science correspondent on the Sunday Times and the resident boffin of the Tonight programme. His popular science books were acclaimed, and he was drawn to the executive side of the press and broadcasting.He joined the Sunday Times in 1961, the year that the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. When Gagarin visited Britain, Margerison looked after him at his press conference. He became a trusted source for news of Soviet technology, and reported for the BBC's Panorama programme on the Red Army's ammunition production at Novosibirsk, in south-west Siberia.For a BBC documentary on Siberia, Margerison, who never wore a coat, impressed his Russian hosts by walking out in -40C in a light Marks and Spencer suit. He also took part in sub-zero swimming competitions under the ice, outdrank his hosts and evaded his minder and hotel room bugs, filing secretly to the Sunday Times.When MI5 tried to harness his exceptional access to the Russians, he was unimpressed by its recruitment technique. Asked to lunch at the Cumberland Hotel in London, he looked around the room and saw a... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2014-03-03 00:00:00 UTC ]

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[ The Guardian | 2015-06-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Publishers Weekly | 2015-05-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Publishers Weekly | 2015-04-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
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