This charming new children’s book uses data viz to teach kids about emotions

Cowritten by Pentagram partner Giorgia Lupi, ‘This is Me and Only Me’ helps kids process their experiences through data. In a new children’s book from Pentagram partner Giorgia Lupi and her coauthor, Madeleine Garner, data collection is presented as a beautiful way for kids (and adults) to process their emotions and the world around them.The book, titled This is Me and Only Me and published by Corraini, follows the narrator as they go to school, bike to the market, share with friends, and parse out big emotions like fear and anticipation. There are no children pictured in the book, though. Instead, the whole story is illustrated through data. Continue reading at 'Fast Company'

[ Fast Company | 2024-07-22 09:15:00 UTC ]

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