These Grey Cupcakes Could Take A Bite Out Of Depression

Baking may fight depression. So one pastry chef is raising awareness for mental health through a worldwide bake sale frosted in grey icing. Maybe it’s the sugar. Maybe it’s the chocolate. Maybe it’s the satisfaction that’s inherent to working with your hands. But baking seems to keep many of us sane (in fact, here are two recent books published on the topic). In response to this seemingly unstudied trend, cupcake baker Emma Thomas, of Miss Cakehead, is organizing a worldwide bake sale to raise awareness for baking therapy, along with a little bit of dough for regional mental health projects. From August 2-4, she’s encouraging volunteers worldwide to organize The Depressed Bake Shop, a series of popup bake sales with a dramatic overtone: All the sweets will be frosted in an unappetizing grey.Read Full Story     Continue reading at 'Fast Company'

[ Fast Company | 2013-07-09 00:00:00 UTC ]

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