The "Netflix For Books" Business Model, And How It'll Change The Way You Read

Mark Coker of Smashwords, which recently inked a major content deal with Scribd, weighs in on how the all-you-can-read model changes the way we read, how authors make creative choices, and how everyone gets paid.Is a "Netflix for ebooks" nearing viability? Yesterday, Smashwords, the largest distributor of self-published ebooks, announced a new deal with Scribd, the document-sharing platform that has reinvented itself as an e-reading service, including an $8.99 all-you-can-read plan. "They're trying to do for ebooks what Spotify does for music and Netflix does for films," Mark Coker, the CEO of Smashwords, told Fast Company.Read Full Story     Continue reading at 'Fast Company'

[ Fast Company | 2013-12-20 00:00:00 UTC ]

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