Apple just announced the seventh-gen iPad mini, three years after its sixth-gen model. It has a faster A17 Pro chip, originally found in the iPhone 15 Pro, which means it’ll be able to handle Apple’s incoming AI features — although it’s not Apple's most powerful mobile chip. There’s more RAM too. Power aside, it has the same 8.3-inch screen as the previous model and an identical 2,266 x 1,488 resolution at 326 ppi. The refresh rate remains a modest 60Hz, in an era of 90Hz or higher. It’s not any bigger, wider or slimmer than its predecessor either. It’s been a while since a new iPad mini, so we were overdue an update. However, this is a very mild update with no design changes. Also, while the size is smaller, no M-series chip. The new iPad mini arrives on October 23, starting at $499 for 128GB storage. It’ll arrive in blue, purple, starlight and space gray colors. – Mat Smith The biggest tech stories you missed Creators getting paid to post on Threads don’t understand its algorithm either The next entry-level Kindle just leaked Intel and AMD team up to stem the x86 bleeding Get this delivered daily direct to your inbox. Subscribe right here! Sonos’ $999 Arc Ultra is a powerhouse soundbar in a (relatively) small package With the company’s new Sound Motion technology. Sonos Don’t mention the disastrous app. Sonos announced the Arc Ultra and Sub 4, with the former replacing the $899 Arc as the company’s flagship home theater product. It’s the first Sonos soundbar to... Continue reading at 'Engadget'
[ Engadget | 2024-10-16 11:16:32 UTC ]
Finding the perfect reading light can be a challenge, no matter the time of day. Amazon's latest Kindle Oasis comes with a new color adjustable front light that can switch from cool to warm hues as the day progresses. Adjustable lighting isn't a new... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2019-06-19 13:00:00 UTC ]
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