The 5 Secrets To Sheryl Sandberg's Super Powers

Sheryl Sandberg helped Facebook post some insane numbers: after their IPO debacle of May 2012, shares have gone up 140% in the past year, to about $50. As Miguel Helft writes for Fortune, that's partly due to the company's reorganization around mobile, which critics once bashed them for being weak in. Less than a year later, mobile ads were 41% of Facebook's $1.6 billion in ad revenue over the last quarter. Meanwhile, as you may have heard, she released a book (and launched a nonprofit) called Lean In early this year––a "sort of manifesto" for women's ambition that's stood atop bestseller lists and has sold a million copies since it dropped in March. To put it lightly, as Helft did, the book–as–movement "reignited feminism." Together, Sandberg has spent 2013 righting the ship of the world's foremost social network and galvanizing social change––otherwordly feats that you'd expect to come from two very different people, not one hard–hustling woman. So how does she do it? Mark Zuckerberg's answer is simple: she's "superhuman." The question for us productivity nerds, then, is this: what are her super powers? 1) She divides, so Facebook may conquer As venture heavyweight Marc Andreesen tells Fortune, every company is looking for a "Sheryl": someone who allows the founder to decide who has ultimate authority––but ensures that there's "superlative business execution." 2) She works insanely hard––but doesn't only work She gets to the office around 7 a.m., phone at her ear, an... Continue reading at 'Fast Company'

[ Fast Company | 2013-11-04 00:00:00 UTC ]

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