Start taking digital notes in ebooks with a Kindle Scribe, now 30% off

Scribbling on the pages of a real book is a capital sin, but not when you have a Kindle Scribe. It has all the features of a Kindle except you can also write and draw directly on the pages of your ebooks. And right now the Kindle Scribe is more affordable than ever at $260 for Prime members, a savings of $110 ahead of the big Prime Day event coming up. This is a no-brainer deal for an awesome gadget that isn’t just a top-of-the-line e-reader—it’s a full-blown digital notebook. The Kindle Scribe is the only Kindle that comes with a digital pen, allowing you to jot down thoughts as you read. Whether it’s stray observations in a fantasy novel, key concepts while studying, or edits in the rough draft of a PDF for work, it’s extremely practical. You can also create your own Kindle Notebooks to journal, sketch, or take notes, with plenty of whitespace for whatever you want to input. The Kindle Scribe’s 10.2-inch, 300 PPI, glare-free display makes it feel like you’re actually writing on paper. This particular Kindle Scribe model comes with a Premium Pen, which features a built-in eraser and a shortcut button that you can assign to a specific action. Note: If you’d rather get the Kindle Scribe with just the Basic Pen, you can still save 30% and only pay $235. One standout feature of the Kindle Scribe is its ability to convert your handwritten notes to digital text, making it easy to review, search, or share your notes with others. Battery life is... Continue reading at 'PC World'

[ PC World | 2024-07-10 14:20:14 UTC ]

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