Slovakia’s Publishers Surprised by a VAT Reduction on Books

Facing publishing industry backlash, Slovakia's government reversed its 23-percent book VAT hike, instead slashing it to 5 percent. The post Slovakia’s Publishers Surprised by a VAT Reduction on Books appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at 'Publishing Perspectives'

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2025-03-11 19:42:53 UTC ]

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The Week in Libraries: July 28, 2023

Among the week's headlines: a coalition of booksellers and publishing industry groups sue Texas over the state's new book rating law; a judge in Arkansas is set to rule on a motion to block that state's 'harmful to minors' law from taking effect; and a Houston school district's plan to replace... Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-07-28 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Rights Edition: Tokyo and Kansai Rights Meetings Announced

Two rights meetings are being restored to physical operations in November by Japan's Publishing Industry Foundation. The post Rights Edition: Tokyo and Kansai Rights Meetings Announced appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2023-07-14 19:34:33 UTC ]
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CONTEC Mexico: ‘Is the Publishing Industry Sustainable?’

In his opening keynote at CONTEC Mexico, Hugo Setzer has encouraged publishers to join the SDG Publishers Compact and work together. The post CONTEC Mexico: ‘Is the Publishing Industry Sustainable?’ appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2023-07-05 19:17:56 UTC ]
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Publishing Industry Sales Fell 7.6% in April

Publishing industry sales couldn't keep up the pace in April, with all segments of the business but higher education suffering declines in the month. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-06-21 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Get a call or a critique from a high-powered agent AND do good in the world.

Sound too good to be true? Well I have news for you, dear aspiring writer, you can get yourself a phone call or a manuscript critique from a fancy literary agent by bidding at this year’s Literary Agents of Change Auction.  The LAOC is an organization that believes that advancing the publishing... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2023-06-15 17:12:39 UTC ]
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Frankfurt Guest of Honor Slovenia: A ‘Honeycomb of Words’

Frankfurt's Guest of Honor Slovenia program is to draw on the market's natural setting as well as its publishing industry and culture. The post Frankfurt Guest of Honor Slovenia: A ‘Honeycomb of Words’ appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2023-06-15 15:05:13 UTC ]
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This Week's Bestsellers: May 29, 2023

A new book skewers the publishing industry's race issues, the author of 'Eragon' returns to science fiction, and two new nonfiction titles take an alternate view of history on this week's bestseller list. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-05-26 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Book Review: ‘Yellowface,’ by R.F. Kuang

In “Yellowface,” R.F. Kuang satirizes the publishing industry with a tale of a struggling writer who passes off her recently deceased friend’s book as her own. Continue reading at The New York Times

[ The New York Times | 2023-05-16 09:00:23 UTC ]
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B&N CEO James Daunt to Deliver State of Bookselling Keynote at U.S. Book Show

As part of a two-day program curated by Association of American Literary Agents, Daunt will discuss how the company’s initiatives and plans for the future will impact the publishing industry during an address on Tuesday, May 23. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-05-01 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Where are fiction’s real working-class heroes? | Letter

Working-class lives are unlikely to be properly represented in fiction if the publishing industry is run by middle-class graduates, says Nick MossKeiran Goddard is right to say that too many novels that claim to portray working-class life just give us “recent arts graduate feels emotionally,... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2023-04-30 16:40:05 UTC ]
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UK publishing industry reports record-breaking year in 2022

There were 669m physical books sold in the UK last year, according to new figures from the Publishers AssociationThe UK publishing industry had a “record-breaking year” in 2022, with a total income of £6.9bn.A Year in Publishing, a look at the state of the book market by trade body the... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2023-04-17 11:26:08 UTC ]
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Amazon to close Book Depository online shop

Gloucester-based bookseller bought by the retail giant in 2011 will shut at the end of AprilThe online shop Book Depository is due to close at the end of April, vendors and publishing partners have been told. This comes after the bookseller’s parent company Amazon announced it had decided to... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2023-04-04 11:07:43 UTC ]
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7 Newsletters That Will Help Get Your Book Published

For writers at every stage, the publishing industry can feel inaccessible. There are so many steps between drafting a book and seeing it out in the world. Especially for debut hopefuls, it’s more than a little intimidating: how do we know what we don’t know? Meanwhile, those who’ve already... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2023-03-24 11:00:00 UTC ]
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Audiobooks in Spanish: Dosdoce Hands Publishers a ‘Map’

Dosdoce's Javier Celaya challenges the Spanish-language publishing industry to expand its share of a fast-widening audio 'ecosystem.' The post Audiobooks in Spanish: Dosdoce Hands Publishers a ‘Map’ appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2023-03-23 14:51:07 UTC ]
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Book thief who stole more than 1,000 manuscripts ‘wanted to cherish them before anyone else’

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[ The Guardian | 2023-03-13 11:30:25 UTC ]
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Underpaid and Overworked: A Look at Salaries and Benefits in Publishing

On paper, the publishing industry seems glamorous. But this façade belies the deep problems that persist, and one of them is the low pay. Continue reading at Book Riot

[ Book Riot | 2023-02-23 11:36:00 UTC ]
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Book Publishers Face a Challenging Year Ahead

Following a down year for print book sales, NPD Group's publishing industry analyst, Kristen McLean, predicts that 2023 will be a year of transition for the publishing industry. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-01-27 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Digital Book World: Startups Are Entering 'A New Age'

DBW's final day looked at a recent study of publishing industry startups and found that innovation takes all forms, from wildly successful ideas that took time to take off, like Audible, to cutting edge innovations, like blockchain book retailing. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-01-18 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Digital Book World: Startups Are Entering 'A New Age'

DBW's final day looked at a recent study of publishing industry startups and found that innovation takes all forms, from wildly successful ideas that took time to take off, like Audible, to cutting edge innovations, like blockchain book retailing. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-01-18 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Spellbound: why ‘witch lit’ is the hottest new genre on our bookshelves

Vampires and ghosts have long haunted popular fiction, but now a string of new releases is focusing on marginalised women with hidden powersSomeone, or something, shadowy has put a strong spell on popular literature aimed at women, once cheekily labelled “chick lit”. This perky genre, packaged... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2023-01-08 12:00:47 UTC ]
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