Skybound Entertainment has had success with The Walking Dead across all mediums. Robert Kirkman’s comic book company has expanded into television with the AMC series, which is now the most popular show in the world. They’ve also enjoyed the same level of critical and commercial success through the award-winning The Walking Dead series of episodic games from developer Telltale Games. And Skybound has also released its own The Walking Dead: Assault mobile game from Gamagio. Now Skybound has enlisted Starbreeze to create the first co-op multiplayer game set within The Walking Dead universe. Starbreeze-owned studio Overkill is developing the new game in conjunction with Kirkman and Skybound. The game, which will be released in 2016, is set in Washington, D.C. and will focus on a new cast of characters.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here Continue reading at 'PC World'
[ PC World | 2015-03-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
The National Book Awards are getting a rewrite.New rules announced Tuesday include a "long list" of 10 nominees to be offered for each of the four competitive categories before being narrowed to the traditional five finalists. And the pool of judges will be expanded beyond writers to include... Continue reading at Crains New York
[ Crains New York | 2013-01-15 00:00:00 UTC ]
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