Qualcomm is said to have new Arm-based laptops of its own in the pipeline, while consumer versions of the new Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6 that run on the Snapdragon X Elite chipset are believed to be on the way. While that in the past would have meant the makers of x86- and x64-based Windows software needing to port their apps, Qualcomm sought to assure game developers that their titles will run just fine out of the box on any unannounced Snapdragon X Elite systems that just happen to be coming up. At the Game Developers Conference, Qualcomm engineer Issam Khalil told the audience that the computers will use emulation to run many x86 and x64 games at nearly full speed without the need to tweak the code or change any assets. According to The Verge, Khalil explained that games are typically bottlenecked by the graphics processing unit, and emulation doesn't impact GPU performance. As such (save for some CPU cost when a block of code in a game runs through its emulation process for the first time), Qualcomm suggests many titles will perform just fine. There are some caveats. Certain games simply won't work through emulation, particularly those using kernel-level anti-cheat tech. However, Qualcomm has been testing its emulation with the top games on Steam and appears convinced that its tech should be able to handle most games. Otherwise, Khalil told developers that they have two other options for running their games on Snapdragon-based Windows machines. They can fully... Continue reading at 'Engadget'
[ Engadget | 2024-03-22 15:25:41 UTC ]
It’s been a year since Steve Jobs passed away, and yet it’s still easy to be reminded of his legacy in the publishing industry. It’s omnipresent in the equipment used to create content, especially the operating system th ... Continue reading at Editor & Publisher
[ Editor & Publisher | 2012-11-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
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