Orion signs two more from Rankin in seven-figure deal

Orion has scooped two new John Rebus thrillers by Ian Rankin in a seven-figure deal.  Continue reading at 'The Bookseller'

[ The Bookseller | 2022-01-08 04:57:21 UTC ]

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Publishing’s ‘Super Thursday’ includes books by Boris Johnson, Stanley Tucci and Kate Mosse

A total of 1,900 titles are being published today, including a Rebus from Ian Rankin, memoir from Miranda Hart and children’s fiction by AF SteadmanBooks by Boris Johnson, Stanley Tucci and Miranda Hart are among those being published today, on this year’s “Super Thursday” – the day when more... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2024-10-10 07:01:36 UTC ]
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Orion signs two more from Rankin in seven-figure deal

Orion has scooped two new John Rebus thrillers by Ian Rankin in a seven-figure deal.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2022-01-08 04:57:21 UTC ]
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Ian Rankin took on the challenge of finishing his mentor’s book. The result is a darkly beautiful novel.

“The Dark Remains” captures perfectly the voice of the late William McIlvanney, master of Tartan Noir. Continue reading at The Washington Post

[ The Washington Post | 2021-09-22 06:11:08 UTC ]
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Brian Cox to voice Rankin and McIlvanney audiobook

Emmy award-winning Scottish actor Brian Cox has been confirmed as the audiobook reader for The Dark Remains, the new novel by Ian Rankin and William McIlvanney, published by Canongate.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-08-18 21:48:07 UTC ]
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HarperCollins buys three crime novels from McTiernan in seven-figure deal

HarperCollins has bought three standalone crime novels from Irish author Dervla McTiernan in a seven-figure deal, to be published by HarperFiction in the UK, William Morrow in the US and HarperCollins Australia in March 2022. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-08-05 14:26:31 UTC ]
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Paramount Options Rediscovered Wright Novel for Seven Figures

The rediscovered, initially unpublished, novel by Richard Wright, 'The Man Who Lived Underground,' has been optioned by Paramount in a seven-figure deal. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-06-25 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Rankin's A Song for the Dark Times hits the high note in top spot

Ian Rankin's A Song for the Dark Times (Orion) has clearly struck a chord with the book-buying public, reaching a crescendo in its first full week on sale and hitting the UK Official Top 50 number one spot. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-05-11 02:14:07 UTC ]
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Book Deals: Week of October 5, 2020

Nicole Lapin lands a seven-book, seven-figure deal with HarperCollins Leadership; Berkley prevails at auction to take three from Lana Popovic´; and more. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2020-10-02 04:00:00 UTC ]
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[ The Bookseller | 2020-09-14 04:30:23 UTC ]
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Child and Rankin to appear at Bloody Scotland virtual festival

Lee Child and Ian Rankin are among the authors featuring at this year's entirely virtual Bloody Scotland International Crime Writing Festival.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-08-24 03:20:07 UTC ]
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Bookstat chart: Her Final Words shouts loud from the top

Brianna Labuskes' Her Final Words (Thomas & Mercer) has ended the three-week run of Ian Rankin's In a House of Lies (Orion) at the top of the Bookstat chart, as Kindle Unlimited titles flock into the top 10. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-08-04 04:21:26 UTC ]
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Bookstat chart: Third week at the top for Rankin's House of Lies

Ian Rankin's In a House of Lies (Orion) has spent a third week running as the Bookstat e-book number one. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-07-30 06:45:44 UTC ]
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Amazon Charts: In a House of Lies hits the roof for a third week

Ian Rankin's In a House of Lies (Orion) has claimed the Amazon Charts' Most-Sold: Fiction number one spot for a third week, as Mary L Trump's Too Much and Never Enough (S&S) holds the Most-Sold: Non-Fiction top spot. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-07-29 08:22:22 UTC ]
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Bookstat chart: Rankin's House party continues

Ian Rankin’s In a House of Lies (Orion) has taken out a mortgage in the Bookstat e-book chart number one spot, reigning for a second week running. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-07-22 19:28:58 UTC ]
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Amazon Charts: Rankin and Trump rule the charts

Mary L Trump's Too Much and Never Enough (S&S) has done more than enough to reach the top of the Amazon Charts, zipping straight to the top of the Most-Sold: Non-Fiction chart, as Ian Rankin's In a House of Lies (Orion) holds the Most-Sold: Fiction top spot. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-07-21 22:13:31 UTC ]
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Bookstat chart: Rankin ranks in number one

Ian Rankin’s In a House of Lies (Orion) hit the roof of the Bookstat e-book chart, flying straight into the number one spot for the week ending 11th July. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-07-15 18:28:01 UTC ]
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Sissay, Rankin and Anam to headline Bradford digital festival

Lemn Sissay, Ian Rankin and Tahmima Anam are to lead Bradford Literature Festival, as this year's digital edition releases new events on a daily basis to re-create the festival environment.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-06-23 17:10:34 UTC ]
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Former Knopf Assistant Sells Publishing Novel in Seven Figure Deal

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[ Publishers Weekly | 2020-02-21 05:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Publishers Weekly | 2019-10-10 04:00:00 UTC ]
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