Nonprofit library technology cooperative OCLC, the company behind WorldCat, has acquired CloudLibrary, a technology platform offering patrons access to digital content through libraries, from library e-book vendor Bibliotheca. Continue reading at 'Publishers Weekly'
[ Publishers Weekly | 2024-04-02 04:00:00 UTC ]
A federal judge has held that “monopolization” claims against Amazon can move forward, finding that lawyers for a potential consumer class have plausibly alleged that Amazon’s conduct in the e-book market has led to “reduced competition” and “higher e-book prices." Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2024-03-04 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Among the week's headlines: Georgia moves a step closer to banning the ALA; a library e-book bill is back in Connecticut; and librarian TikTok star Mychal Threets, who went viral for sharing 'library joy,' has left his job. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2024-03-01 05:00:00 UTC ]
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The “Netflix model” of leasing e-books to public libraries is expensive, full of limitations, and potentially a boon for censorship, librarians say. It’s a growing business model that shifts power to publishers and makes access harder for patrons. Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor
[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2024-02-22 16:28:54 UTC ]
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Stephen Blake Mettee died from a heart attack while snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands on November 18. A serial entrepreneur across many sectors, Mettee founded independent publisher Quill Driver Books in 1994 and Hummingbird Digital Media, a hybrid e-book distributing/retailing company, in 2015. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2024-02-05 05:00:00 UTC ]
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The question of how much RAM a computer really needs is a hotly debated topic. While professional users who create digital content on the computer or analyze large amounts of data usually need more than 32GB of RAM, the sensible amount of RAM for a home PC depends on what tasks you mainly... Continue reading at PC World
[ PC World | 2024-01-10 11:30:00 UTC ]
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If you’re looking for more ways to earn an income or diversify revenue streams, e-books are a great avenue. You don’t need to be an expert, either. With My AI eBook Creation Pro, you can create premium e-books in a matter of clicks without the writing or design expertise. Powered by... Continue reading at PC World
[ PC World | 2024-01-10 08:00:00 UTC ]
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Pursuing its strategy of seeking to further leverage IP, China Literature, China's dominant online publishing and e-book company, has bought Tencent Animation and Comics for 600 million yuan (US$83.6 million). Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-12-13 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Storing online data in perpetuity is not just about photos and texts but thoughts and ideas. Platforms such as WordPress are starting to act, but it must be at a realistic priceWay back in 2004 the two founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, thought that it would be a cool idea to scan... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2023-11-25 16:00:53 UTC ]
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When Mike Sotelo, vice president of digital content and experience at ad agency Alma, experimented with OpenAI's generative artificial intelligence tool GPT-3 in Spanish earlier this year, it wasn't long before he came across a language gap. Sotelo entered two prompts: "How does a guey [a... Continue reading at AdWeek
[ AdWeek | 2023-11-13 21:00:00 UTC ]
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Among the week's headlines: the Alabama Public Library Service suggests moving on from the ALA's Library Bill of Rights; an Arkansas librarian recently fired for defending the freedom to read has no regrets (and a lawyer); lawmakers in Massachusetts consider a new library e-book bill; and Barack... Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-11-03 04:00:00 UTC ]
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The reader was reading an e-book in a café. Whenever he arrived at a sentence that other readers had highlighted, a pop-up notification would display how many times it had been underlined. The reader had come to dread this feature. No matter what genre of novel he was reading, the same type of... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2023-10-27 08:00:31 UTC ]
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“Roughing the Princess,” an erotic e-book inspired by an actual relationship, veered too close to reality for many of Taylor Swift’s fans. Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2023-10-25 13:45:13 UTC ]
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If you’ve got a story to tell or advice to give, an eBook is a compelling avenue to share with the world and maybe even make a little money. You don’t even have to work all that hard thanks to My AI eBook Creation Pro. Powered by ChatGPT, this eBook creation tool takes all of the pain... Continue reading at PC World
[ PC World | 2023-10-23 08:00:00 UTC ]
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A magistrate judge in New York has once again recommended that a lawsuit accusing the Big Five publishers of colluding with Amazon to fix e-book prices should be dismissed. But in a twist, the court found that a monopolization claim against Amazon should proceed. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-08-01 04:00:00 UTC ]
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The new program utilizes GPS-based “geo-targeting” to show readers the books that have been banned in their area, making e-book versions available to borrow digitally. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-07-20 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon Prime Day 2023 is almost here, but you can still snag some early deals before the two-day shopping event begins in earnest. We've rounded up the best early Prime Day deals we can find below. Remember that you'll need to subscribe to Prime to take advantage of many (but not all) of the... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2023-07-10 18:45:44 UTC ]
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Amazon Prime Day 2023 is a few days away on July 11th, but you don't have to wait until then to get a good deal. The company has started to roll out a few early Prime Day deals before the two-day shopping event officially commences, including, as expected, several discounts on its own devices... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2023-07-09 13:05:03 UTC ]
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Amazon Prime Day 2023 is a few days away on July 11th, but you don't have to wait until then to get a good deal. The company has started to roll out a few early Prime Day deals before the two-day shopping event officially commences, including, as expected, several discounts on its own devices... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2023-07-07 14:29:48 UTC ]
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Amazon Prime Day 2023 is one week away on July 11th, but you don't have to wait until then to get a good deal. The company has started to roll out a few early Prime Day deals before the two-day shopping event officially commences, including, as expected, several discounts on its own devices and... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2023-07-04 12:48:53 UTC ]
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Amazon has announced that Prime Day 2023 will begin on July 11th, but you don't have to wait until then to get a good deal. The company has started to roll out a few early Prime Day deals before the two-day shopping event officially commences, including, as expected, several discounts on its own... Continue reading at Engadget
[ Engadget | 2023-06-30 15:20:45 UTC ]
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