NUJ apologises to BBC human resources director over false accusation

Union pays Lucy Adams' legal costs after falsely accusing her department of being involved in a 'dirty tricks' campaignThe National Union of Journalists has apologised to the BBC's outgoing human resources director Lucy Adams and paid her legal costs after falsely accusing her department of being involved in a "dirty tricks" campaign.In a statement issued by the NUJ on Monday, the union apologised and said it did not intend to suggest that Adams led a dirty tricks campaign or had been involved in criminal activity.There was no payment of damages, but it is believed the NUJ has picked up the cost of Adams' legal bills, understood to be in the region of £10,000. The union declined to comment on any payment.Adams turned to lawyers after the NUJ published a statement, headlined "BBC dirty tricks including hacking NUJ members' emails", on its website on 30 August this year.The union claimed it had been provided with evidence of a deliberate dirty tricks campaign in a sworn witness statement by a former BBC HR employee turned whistleblower.However, the BBC described the allegations at the time as "false and without foundation".The NUJ said: "We would now like to apologise and clarify some of the statements contained in that article. "The NUJ did not intend to suggest that BBC HR director Lucy Adams led a dirty tricks campaign or that there was any criminal activity on her part whatsoever. The NUJ apologises to Lucy Adams for making these allegations. "It was the intention of... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2013-12-03 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #legal fees #severance payments #national union

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