Newsweek 2.0: A New Model For Online Magazines

Designed by Huge, the revamped, digital-only Newsweek aims to bring print mag qualities like cohesion and curation to the web. When it was announced last fall that Newsweek, after nearly 80 years as a weekly news magazine, would ditch print and go all digital, it seemed to many like an ill omen--the first step toward an inevitable demise, sort of like when a network unceremoniously boots a faltering TV show to a Saturday night time slot. And indeed, the prospects for Newsweek's survival as a subscriber-supported, tablet-first magazine looked grim; consider the fate of News Corp’s much ballyhooed iPad-only mag The Daily, which was a complete and utter dud despite considerable resources and ringing endorsements from Apple itself. Thankfully, that isn’t quite the path Newsweek is headed down today. Its new lease on life doesn’t just come in the form of a tablet app but a website, too, built with the help of Huge, the digital agency whose successes include the beloved HBO GO app and Google Think Insights. What they’ve managed to cook up for Newsweek is both compelling and, in terms of web publications, simply a little bit different from much else out there. The new Newsweek is a handsome digital experience that taps into the social and multimedia opportunities offered by the web, sure, but it’s also the rare website that shuns the Internet’s breakneck news cycle and sticks to the magazine’s original raison d’etre as a curated collection of relevant stories. And it’s going... Continue reading at 'Fast Company'

[ Fast Company | 2013-05-22 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Newsweek 2.0: A New Model For Online Magazines

Designed by Huge, the revamped, digital-only Newsweek aims to bring print mag qualities like cohesion and curation to the web. When it was announced last fall that Newsweek, after nearly 80 years as a weekly news magazine, would ditch print and go all digital, it seemed to many like an ill... Continue reading at Fast Company

[ Fast Company | 2013-05-22 00:00:00 UTC ]
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