Microsoft, Barnes & Noble teach Apple and Amazon a lesson about educational ebooks

Nobody partners, or negotiates deals, like Microsoft. That's evident from today's stunning agreement with Barnes & Noble, which is sure to turn the ebook market on its head. The two will jointly invest in Newco, temporary name for ebook venture that incorporates B&N's digital and College business divisions. B&N gets partner in Microsoft, which invests $300 million, for 17.6 percent stake; both parties end ongoing patent disputes, largely related to Android; and Microsoft launches Windows 8 with native Nook Reader application. All around it's win-win, after losing a decade ago. That's right, Barnes & Noble and Microsoft have been here… [Continue Reading] Continue reading at 'Betanews'

[ Betanews | 2012-04-30 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #educational ebooks #barnes noble #ebook market #decade ago

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Barnes & Noble CEO steps down following dismal financial reports

Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch resigned after the company reported disappointing fourth-quarter numbers. The bookstore chain also recently announced that it's seeking another company with which to produce the B&N Nook tablet devices. Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor

[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2013-07-10 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple conspired to set ebook prices, judge finds

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Apple conspired with publishers to set the prices of ebooks and "played a central role in facilitating and executing that conspiracy."A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Apple conspired with publishers to set the prices of ebooks. Apple, the judge found,... Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

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Barnes & Noble chief executive quits

The chief executive of US bookstore chain Barnes & Noble, William Lynch, resigns as sales of its Nook ebooks and devices continue to fall. Continue reading at BBC News

[ BBC News | 2013-07-09 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Nook: Barnes & Noble will hand off tablet manufacturing to a third party

Following a shaky fourth-quarter report, B&N announced that it would be partnering with another company to release its Nook tablet line, although the bookstore chain will continue to manufacture its e-readers. Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor

[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2013-06-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple e-mails are at the center of the DOJ ebook price-fixing trial

The Justice Department’s ebook price fixing trial – alleging that Apple conspired to raise ebook prices – is scheduled to end this week. Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor

[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2013-06-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Barnes and Noble posts $119 million loss in Q4 2013, will partner with third party on future Nook tablets

Barnes and Noble has not had an easy go of it. The brick-and-mortar stalwart has seen its revenues and profits steeply decline as we've entered the age of the ebook. In fact, profits haven't just shrunk; they've disappeared. During the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2013, the company suffered a... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-06-25 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Barnes & Noble Nook sales plunge

US bookstore chain Barnes & Noble sees its fourth-quarter net loss more than double to $118.6m (£77m) as sales of its Nook ebooks and devices drop. Continue reading at BBC News

[ BBC News | 2013-06-25 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple ebook trial concluding

The Apple/ DoJ ebook price fixing trial will enter its final sessions later today (20th June),... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2013-06-20 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple, Amazon and the Disgruntled Publishers

“They had a relationship that was not positive. You heard a lot of negative things from them.” – Apple media boss Eddy Cue, testifying during the DOJ antitrust trial Monday, describing the way book publishers viewed Amazon, circa 2009 Continue reading at AllThingsD

[ AllThingsD | 2013-06-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple executive Eddy Cue defends ebook deals at antitrust trial

Government lawyers allege the agreements Apple signed in 2010 with five publishers amounted to a conspiracy to get consumers to pay more for electronic books.NEW YORK — Eddy Cue, the Apple Inc. executive in charge of negotiating the company's controversial ebook deals, defended how the tech... Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-06-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple tells price fixing courtroom it owns 20 percent of the ebook market

Apple director Keith Moerer said in court on Tuesday that the company holds about 20 percent of the US ebook market, double the size commonly assumed. The revelation came after the Department of Justice tried to bolster its price fixing case against the company by asserting that "Apple forgot to... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-06-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Barnes & Noble Nook Snaps offer fresh literature in $2 bites

Barnes & Noble's Nook Store has offered short-form works much like those we've seen from Amazon's Kindle Shorts section, but they haven't really been a highlight. The company's new Nook Snaps program may give those quick reads their time to shine, however. The effort will see Barnes &... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-06-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon's E-Book Deals Were Just as Tough as Apple's

It turns out that Apple isn't the only major ebook retailer that demands "most favored nation" agreements from publishers. Continue reading at AllThingsD

[ AllThingsD | 2013-06-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple, U.S. come out swinging as ebook trial gets underway

Apple cost readers hundreds of million of dollars by conspiring with five major publishers to fix prices, government says. Apple says the antitrust case is bizarre. NEW YORK — Apple Inc. and five major publishers conspired to fix prices on ebooks, costing consumers hundreds of millions of... Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-06-04 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple ebook deal 'cost millions'

A deal between Apple and publishers to set the price of ebooks cost customers "hundreds of millions of dollars", a government lawyer claims. Continue reading at BBC World

[ BBC World | 2013-06-04 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple fights US charges over ebooks

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[ BBC World | 2013-06-03 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple ebook price-fixing trial about to get underway

The Justice Department will lay out in a civil antitrust trial its accusations that Apple masterminded a cartel with publishers to raise ebook prices.For a company that beat down prices of online music, Apple Inc. finds itself in the odd situation of defending itself against government claims... Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-06-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Barnes & Noble drops Nook prices, eyes Mother's Day sales boost

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[ Los Angeles Times | 2013-05-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Barnes & Noble boosts content on Nook with Google Play

Barnes & Noble is adding the Google Play store to HD versions of its Nook tablet, in a bid to counter slowing sales of its devices.Nook HD and Nook HD+ customers will be able to access over 700,000 Android apps and games, millions of songs and more, besides the Chrome browser, Gmail,... Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Barnes & Noble intros buy-one-get-one Nook book offer, only valid in stores

Well, this process seems a bit counterintuitive, eh? This morning, Barnes & Noble introduced a new scheme for getting Nook customers to visit the company's retail stores. The promotion nets you one free ebook when you purchase another, but -- and this is where the offer tripped us up a bit... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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