When Microsoft announced that it was going to start charging its partners for software licenses that had previously been free, there was an understandable backlash. Now the company has announced that it is putting these plans on hold, and free software licenses will still be available to Microsoft Partners. On the eve of its Inspire conference, Microsoft's Gavriella Schuster revealed that the decision to revoke internal use rights (IURs) has now been reversed. See also: Microsoft fixes some problems that blocked upgrades to Windows 10 version 1903 Microsoft Teams is more popular than Slack Microsoft sneaks telemetry into Windows 7… [Continue Reading] Continue reading at 'Betanews'
[ Betanews | 2019-07-13 09:35:14 UTC ]
The online virtual reality experience that almost every tech giant today wishes to commercially exploit may not catch onIn the 1992 sci-fi dystopia Snow Crash, the author Neal Stephenson imagined a bleak 21st century where the collapse of the global economy had seen governments fall and their... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2022-02-07 19:11:48 UTC ]
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When Microsoft announced that it was going to start charging its partners for software licenses that had previously been free, there was an understandable backlash. Now the company has announced that it is putting these plans on hold, and free software licenses will still be available to... Continue reading at Betanews
[ Betanews | 2019-07-13 09:35:14 UTC ]
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It's a little while since Microsoft announced that is dropping the Books category from the Microsoft Store, but a serious deadline is now looming. If you have bought books or downloaded free books from the Store, you only have a few more days to read them -- so if there are any you haven't... Continue reading at Betanews
[ Betanews | 2019-06-28 15:41:08 UTC ]
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