Meta’s rumored Twitter competitor could launch as early as next month

Folks are spending less time on Twitter since Elon Musk bought the social media site last year, but there’s still plenty of demand for similar platforms like Mastodon and Bluesky. To that point, Meta has long been rumored to be building its own platform to rival Twitter. After months of speculation, there’s finally some details to go along with the rumors, according to digital media marketing expert Lia Haberman.Haberman says the app is nearing completion and could launch as early as the end of June. She says that Meta has been meeting with select content creators to discuss the platform. One of these creators furnished Haberman with all kinds of info about the forthcoming app, calling it “Instagram for your thoughts.”Based on a (somewhat blurry) example I got, Meta's new app looks a lot like Twitter.So, could this take over all the Twitter screenshots we've been seeing on the Feed lately? Maybe. It’s impossible to predict how audiences will respond but this could be an alternative.— Lia Haberman (@liahaberman) May 19, 2023Instagram is the right word here, as it looks like the entire platform is built out of the popular photo-sharing social network. The decentralized app is said to work with current Instagram parameters, like usernames and passwords. So if you already have an Instagram account you should be able to sign right up and automatically sync up with your current followers. Your handle, bio and verification should all carry over from... Continue reading at 'Engadget'

[ Engadget | 2023-05-19 18:16:25 UTC ]
News tagged with: #instagram account #multiple services #recently launched #digital media

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