Mastering PDFs: How to create, convert, and search

When it comes to preserving any type of document in a format that anyone can later open and be sure it looks right, it’s hard to beat the PDF format. PDF, or portable document format, was developed by Adobe in the early 1990s to make it easy to share formatted documents regardless of the sender and receiver’s systems. The format was based on and is essentially a simplification of postscript, a programming language developed by Adobe 10 years earlier to describe documents for printing in a technology-neutral way. PDF (and postscript) uses code to describe where text, images, and graphic elements should be placed on a page. A rasterizer turns the code into either pixels on a screen or dots in a printout. PDF files are extremely common and are used for all sorts of things, as an archive format for scanned and digitized documents of various kinds, as a standard format for scientific articles, for digital contracts and to save something for later printing, just to name a few examples. Acrobat Reader DC.Foundry Read PDF files Windows still has no built-in program for viewing and editing PDF files. The default program for opening a PDF in the system is Microsoft Edge, which like most browsers, has a built-in PDF viewer. It works really well for just reading, with the basic features you would expect. For example, you can view the table of contents and click on sections to jump directly to them, and mark up the files with tools like a marker pen and text... Continue reading at 'PC World'

[ PC World | 2023-11-29 11:30:00 UTC ]

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