Lessons In (Software) Architecture From GitHub’s New Office

While I was doing reporting for this big story about GitHub, a side discussion came up with Scott Chacon, one of GitHub’s founders and the tsar of their new office, known to GitHubbers as Office 3.0. As we talked about the architecture of the new space, a “blank slate” industrial building where GitHub will move next month, it became easy to draw an analogical connection to the architecture of good software. Pattern Languages In Architecture And Software This anecdote stuck out: One GitHubber suggested Chacon read a book called A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings And Construction to help vet ideas for the space. Of course, the title will sound familiar to any front-end designers out there: Design “patterns” are commonly discussed in software as well as architecture. Since everything at GitHub is done in the open, there were a lot of ideas to vet. Chacon has been managing feedback about Office 3.0 in--where else--a GitHub repo. Since most of GitHub’s staffers are remote--about 70% of its employees are not located in San Francisco--the use cases for the office vary somewhat dramatically.Read Full Story     Continue reading at 'Fast Company'

[ Fast Company | 2013-07-19 00:00:00 UTC ]

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[ Fast Company | 2013-07-19 00:00:00 UTC ]
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