Kamala Harris, history, and a break from pandemic TV

Yesterday, shortly after Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for president, picked Kamala Harris, the senator for California, as his running mate, Peter Doocy, a Fox News correspondent, tweeted, “But… you told me on Saturday…” That day, Doocy asked Biden—who was zipping past on a bicycle, wearing a t-shirt, shades, and a face mask, and surrounded by an entourage—whether he’d reached a decision yet, and Biden shouted back that he had. “You have?” Doocy responded. “Who is it?” Biden looked straight into the camera, and said, “You.” Later, Doocy reported on air, with a completely straight face, that while Biden “didn’t know the follow-up was coming, he did answer with a direct ‘yes’: he has picked a running mate.” Biden (obviously) was joking. Doocy took some flak from other journalists on Twitter, but his report was little more than the ridiculous tip of an increasingly breathless—yet not equivalently fact-driven—“veepstakes” news cycle. The Biden campaign, which proved remarkably impervious to leaks on the vice-presidential selection process, initially promised a formal announcement last week, but then pushed it back to this week. As many reporters ruefully noted in the interim, given Biden’s past form, even the later deadline was not certain to be met. On Monday, however, the New York Times reported that Biden’s pick was, indeed, “Said to Be Imminent.” Several Twitter users congratulated “Imminent” on their nomination (even though one said he’d really hoped it’d be... Continue reading at 'Columbia Journalism Review'

[ Columbia Journalism Review | 2020-08-12 12:12:59 UTC ]
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