Justice League: DC's holy trinity of heroes finds safety in numbers

Many comic book heroes lay claim to the moniker "iconic", though few are as iconic as DC's holy trinity: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. And between them they possess some of comic book history's most recognisable toys: Superman's bullet-deflecting supersuit, Batman's Batmobile and Wonder Woman's golden lasso of truth. In Zack Snyder's Justice League, which teams those three iconic heroes with three more – the King of Atlantis Aquaman, the half-man/half-machine Cyborg and "fastest man alive" The Flash – there are more gadgets and super-gizmos on display than you'd find in a decade of James Bond films. "The funny thing, for me, when I use the lasso, usually, it's not the way it looks in the movie," explains actress Gal Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman. "When you do these things, sometimes you can feel silly because you're acting super serious, and it's all made of plastic and lights and you see the truth. Then you get to see the movie in the cinema, and you're like, wow, that's freaking incredible." Continue reading at 'Stuff'

[ Stuff | 2017-11-09 00:00:00 UTC ]
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