It probably won’t be long before Team Gizmodo savages its new owner

Welcome to the latest edition of Ad Age Publisher's Brief, our roundup of news from the world of content producers across digital and print. Got a tip? Send it our way. Joining us late? Here's the previous edition. A few comments about comments: In a letter sent out to Wall Street Journal subscribers last night, Editor-in-Chief Matt Murray writes, “This week, we are introducing initial steps that will pave the way for audience conversations that more of you may be interested in reading and perhaps in contributing to.” Translation: Comments sections suck, but maybe you, dear reader, can help improve ours? Pretty please? Murray continues on, outlining the “Five Most Significant Changes”: “Only WSJ members can participate,” “Audience conversations will only be available on certain articles and for a set amount of time,” “We’ve strengthened our moderation and will highlight exemplary responses,” “All open articles will include a question” and “We've set up an email alert system” (“to immediately notify members when comments are approved or rejected”). Murray’s letter has a rather hopeful title: “Elevating Our Discourse.” Stay tuned. Meanwhile, see more details about the new comments strategy in the newly updated “Wall Street Journal Community Rules & FAQs.” Buyer beware: The Gizmodo Media Group, which includes flagship Gizmodo and sibling sites including Deadspin, Jezebel and Jalopnik (all parts of the old Gawker Media mini-conglomerate), plus The Onion and... Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2019-04-10 00:00:00 UTC ]

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[ Folio Magazine | 2011-01-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
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