Indie bookshop pre-orders boom as Mantel publication nears

Indie bookshops are cashing in on a pre-order boom for Hilary Mantel’s new book and are hosting everything from midnight openings to silent discos this week. Continue reading at 'The Bookseller'

[ The Bookseller | 2020-03-01 15:13:26 UTC ]

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English language bookshop crowdfunder has week to raise £7,000

A crowdfunding campaign to create a “feminist safe haven” bookshop in Paris has only a week left to raise the remaining £7,000 needed to secure premises, after securing two-thirds of its financial target. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2020-01-02 16:26:28 UTC ]
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'Feminist safe haven' English language bookshop to launch in Paris

A Kickstarter is under way to create a 'feminist safe haven' bookshop in Paris called COVEN to offer English language books, a café and range of events. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-12-20 11:14:17 UTC ]
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The (Quiet) Death of a Legendary Parisian Bookstore

When it was announced that the legendary bookshop Le Pont Traversé would definitely close down on the 31st of December in Paris, many French TV stations put in phone calls and tried to convince Josée Comte-Béalu to do a filmed interview. She refused every single one of them. “They are like... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2019-12-20 09:48:10 UTC ]
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New indie bookshop opens in Barnsley

A new independent bookshop has opened in Barnsley, run by a mother and son team who became fed up watching the big chains leave their town. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-12-19 02:33:27 UTC ]
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Indie booksellers invited to complete 2019 Christmas trading survey

Indie bookshops in the UK and Ireland are being urged to complete The Bookseller’s annual Christmas trading survey.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-12-18 19:51:28 UTC ]
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George R R Martin opens Sante Fe bookshop

​George R R Martin has opened an independent bookshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-12-17 08:15:25 UTC ]
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TLS launches online bookshop with Monwell

The Times Literary Supplement has opened a new online shop selling books, prints of its covers and illustrations alongside branded merchandise. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-12-16 03:59:25 UTC ]
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The employees at iconic NYC bookstore McNally Jackson have voted to unionize.

Earlier today, the employees of the New York City-based indie bookshop McNally Jackson voted to join the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU). RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum says, “We’re proud to welcome the workers of McNally Jackson into our union. Tonight, they showed that... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2019-12-13 20:10:34 UTC ]
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Her Francophilia Saved Her From the Death Camps, but Not From Great Danger

In “A Bookshop in Berlin,” Françoise Frenkel describes a life devoted to French literature and her escape from the Nazis across occupied France. Continue reading at The New York Times

[ The New York Times | 2019-12-12 16:02:39 UTC ]
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Bookshop Heroes to be crowned in new Bookseller feature backed by BA and HarperCollins

The Bookseller is to create a Rising Stars-style listing of individual booksellers to coincide with the Booksellers Association Conference in September 2020. The Bookshop Heroes special, supported by the BA and sponsored by HarperCollins, will be published to coincide with the annual conference.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-12-11 22:52:50 UTC ]
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Mantel to reflect on trilogy finale at Royal Festival Hall

Hilary Mantel is appearing at the Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall on 6th March to promote her third novel in the Thomas Cromwell trilogy, The Mirror & the Light (4th Estate). Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-11-26 03:34:10 UTC ]
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New Blue Bear Bookshop opens as 'thank you' to Farnham

A new bookshop has been opened in Farnham, Surrey, as a “gift” to say thank you to the town. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-11-24 14:46:01 UTC ]
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Authors call out John Lewis for 'similarities' between Christmas ad and children's books

John Lewis' Christmas advert has come under fire as author and former bookseller Jen Campbell highlighted the similarities between the advert and her children’s book Franklin’s Flying Bookshop (Thames & Hudson). Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-11-18 10:24:18 UTC ]
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Mantel's Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies to be reissued with 'stunning' new design

Fourth Estate will reissue paperback editions of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies with new jackets, ahead of the release of the eagerly-awaited final novel in the Thomas Cromwell trilogy.  Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-11-14 03:36:27 UTC ]
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Lin-Manuel Miranda is not throwing away his shot (to reopen the Drama Book Shop).

A bookshop that runs independently Meanwhile, Amazon keeps shittin’ on us endlessly Essentially, the rent keeps rising relentlessly Let the tourists come around, go on a spending spree Stop by, exchange ideas, sip some coffee There will be a cultural revolution in this city Enter me, the Drama... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2019-11-12 21:44:15 UTC ]
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A Toronto Bookstore Amplifies Marginalized Voices

Another Story Bookshop is focused on social justice and diversity, continuing the mission its founder established over 30 years ago. Continue reading at The New York Times

[ The New York Times | 2019-11-09 10:00:11 UTC ]
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Here’s why you should preorder all your books from independent bookstores.

Who doesn’t love an independent bookshop? Think of the Shop Around the Corner in You’ve Got Mail! Think of the Travel Book Co. in Notting Hill! Embryo Concepts in Funny Face! Black Books from the British sitcom of the same name! Think of the real brick-and-mortar bookshop in your own community.... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2019-11-08 19:34:19 UTC ]
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What We're Reading – October 2019

Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine EvaristoSince studying Lara as a student, I have been a fan of Bernardine Evaristo’s work, and am delighted to see her win the Booker Prize this year. Girl, Woman, Other follows the lives of twelve black characters with different backgrounds and experiences, most... Continue reading at British Council global

[ British Council global | 2019-10-30 09:49:28 UTC ]
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Hackney bookshop Telling Tales moves into canal boat

Independent bookshop Telling Tales has moved aboard a purpose-built canal boat to roam through London's canals and beyond.   Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-10-30 00:02:15 UTC ]
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Can Bookshop Become the Indie Amazon?

The soon-to-launch platform aims to give booksellers an edge against the e-tail giant. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2019-10-25 04:00:00 UTC ]
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