New online publishing house Canelo’s decision to recognise the importance of properly scanned books can only be good for the reputation of ebooks as a wholeA few years ago, I had a go on a book-scanning machine at the Internet Archive in San Francisco, used for making clear digital copies of book pages. The most common machines of this kind are simple physical mechanisms: a book is held open in a cradle and pushed upwards against two angled glass plates. The movement triggers a pair of digital cameras, which simultaneously photograph the flattened pages, and the process is repeated, by hand, for each spread. As I pushed down on the lever and the shutters fired, it struck me that this was a kind of reverse press, of the most ancient Gutenberg kind. Instead of a block of ink-stained type being pressed on to a page, the book itself is pressed towards the light and its contents are released into the digital ether, to be republished, retransmitted once again.I thought about this process once again with the launch of Canelo, a new publishing house created by Iain Millar, Michael Bhaskar and Nick Barreto, three experienced digital publishers. Canelo opened this week with three books available across all the usual digital platforms, and a promise to develop more app and web content in the future. As a purely digital company, it is able to offer innovations such as five-year licences, 50% royalties and in-house author websites; what it calls “a properly adapted digital publisher”.... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'
[ The Guardian | 2015-07-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
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#michael bhaskar
#nick barreto
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Written By: Barbara Casassus Publication Date: Thu, 17/03/2011 - 06:39 French authors have urged culture minister Frédéric Mitterrand to intecede in order to break the deadlock in their negotiations with publishers over electronic rights. For the second year running, the Permanent Council of... Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2011-03-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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