‘I am so tired’: YouTuber Tom Scott ends Things You Might Not Know

British influencer posted a weekly video for 10 years, about everything from pegasus crossings to the National GridTen years ago, Tom Scott held up his phone camera and recorded a 90-second video about traffic lights on bridleways. In Britain, we have pelican crossings, toucan crossings and puffin crossings, he explained, “and then, because all those are named after flying things, we have this: a pegasus crossing. And that is a thing you might not know.”And then, a day later, he posted another “thing you might not know”, about Battersea heliport. And then another, about flammable orange oil. And more and more. The cadence settled down to one a week, but the videos kept coming. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2024-01-05 12:00:22 UTC ]

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Penguin Random House division Puffin has acquired a picture book about a day in the life of two gay dads and their adopted daughter, by WriteNow mentee Gareth Peter, illustrated by Garry Parsons. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-06-25 03:54:45 UTC ]
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