“How To Care for a Human Girl” is the Novel for the Post-Roe Era 

Ashley Wurzbacher’s debut novel How To Care for a Human Girl jumps with both feet into the debate over reproductive rights. When two sisters find themselves pregnant not long after their mother’s death, Jada choses an abortion, while Maddie drifts into the sticky embrace of a crisis pregnancy center. Their parallel journey explores the attitudes […] The post “How To Care for a Human Girl” is the Novel for the Post-Roe Era  appeared first on Electric Literature. Continue reading at 'Electric Literature'

[ Electric Literature | 2023-08-08 11:00:00 UTC ]

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A Debut Novel Examines the Alluring Trap of Our Online Personas

“Fake Accounts,” Lauren Oyler’s debut novel, considers how social media has reconfigured our behavior, relationships and how we think of ourselves. Continue reading at The New York Times

[ The New York Times | 2021-02-01 10:00:02 UTC ]
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[ The New York Times | 2021-01-28 10:00:04 UTC ]
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The Roar of the Wronged: Aravind Adiga’s White Tiger, by Yahia Lababidi

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[ World Literature Today | 2021-01-27 20:33:27 UTC ]
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W&N bags debut novel from comedian Isy Suttie

Weidenfeld & Nicolson is publishing the debut novel of comedian, actress and writer Isy Suttie, Jane is Trying, in July. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-01-27 11:15:14 UTC ]
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Lauren Oyler’s ‘Fake Accounts’ Captures the Relentlessness of Online Life

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[ The New York Times | 2021-01-26 21:16:27 UTC ]
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Girl A: Abigail Dean on her shocking debut novel that's taking the book world by storm

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[ The Guardian | 2021-01-25 06:00:07 UTC ]
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[ The Millions | 2021-01-19 17:00:59 UTC ]
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A New Graphic Novel Shows the History of the Black Panther Party

David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson’s graphic novel The Black Panther Party may be the first introduction to the revolutionary party for some. For others, it will provide additional context to the history. The graphic novel spans from the founding of the party by Huey P. Newton and Bobby... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-19 12:00:00 UTC ]
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Let Us Be Negative Role Models for Each Other

For me, reading Torrey Peters’ debut novel Detransition, Baby is akin to listening to your favorite hometown band headlining their first stadium concert. You end up marveling over how experiences you thought you knew well are rendered in utterly unexpected ways, and realize how patterns from... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-15 12:00:00 UTC ]
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Watch the first trailer for the adaptation of Nico Walker’s Cherry.

Less than a month on from the movie poster controversy (Cherrk!) that rocked the internet to its very core, the first trailer for Cherry—the Tom Holland-starring film adaptation of Nico Walker’s 2018 semi-autobiographical debut novel about an Iraq War veteran turned drug addict turned bank... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2021-01-14 19:34:29 UTC ]
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Fourth Estate picks up Goddard's 'exquisite' Hourglass

Fourth Estate has picked up Hourglass, the “exquisite” debut novel from Keiran Goddard. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-01-13 22:27:32 UTC ]
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Holliday Grainger to narrate Girl A audio

Holliday Grainger has been confirmed as the narrator of Girl A (HarperCollins), the hotly tipped debut novel by Abigail Dean. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2021-01-13 06:22:44 UTC ]
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Duchess of York's debut novel scooped by Mills & Boon

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[ The Bookseller | 2021-01-12 22:12:59 UTC ]
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There Are as Many Americas as There Are Pedros

“The world will come between you,” writes Marcos Gonsalez in the prologue of his memoir Pedro’s Theory: Reimagining the Promised Land. The you here refers to both the author and his father, an immigrant from Mexico, captured in a photograph from the author’s childhood. “Hundreds of years of... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-12 12:00:00 UTC ]
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My Life Is a Result of the Legacy of Colonialism

I first read Nadia Owusu’s debut memoir Aftershocks in June, as the United States—led by the white nationalist backed Republican administration—was several months into a still ongoing unchecked global pandemic which was disproportionately killing Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous Americans.... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-11 12:00:00 UTC ]
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7 Contemporary Novels About the Victorian Era

It’s a truism that historical fiction reveals more about its own age it than the one it portrays. We can’t escape or even perceive our own biases, the reasoning goes, so we end up helplessly projecting them onto a past where they don’t belong. But the past is not a museum, and contemporary... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-08 12:00:00 UTC ]
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Abeer Hoque Is Going to Be Nice to You and You’re Going to Like It

In our series “Can Writing Be Taught?” we partner with Catapult to ask their course instructors all our burning questions about the process of teaching writing. This time we’re talking to Abeer Hoque, author of the memoir Olive Witch, who’s teaching a two-week seminar on one of the most... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-08 12:00:00 UTC ]
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A Black Salesman Tries to Bring Down Corporate Racism from the Inside

It’s no secret that the tech world has a troubling track record with diversity in the workplace, especially with the dearth of Black and Latinx employees in key roles. Author Mateo Askaripour confronts the lack of diversity within the workplace with satire in his debut novel Black Buck. Some... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2021-01-07 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ The Bookseller | 2021-01-06 00:00:41 UTC ]
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Translating novels, short stories, and poetry into English in a way that remains true to their original form can take years, even decades of dedication. And then there is the job of persuading the Anglophone publishing world to take chances. Translators’ labor is ultimately rewarding for readers... Continue reading at Electric Literature

[ Electric Literature | 2020-12-31 12:00:00 UTC ]
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